Team Feel The Byrn
FEB 01, 2024
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Welcome to episode 213 of the Löw Tide Böyz - A Swimrun Podcast!

In this episode we are kicking off our fourth annual Partners Month where we feature one of our favorite parts of Swimrun: the partner aspect. Kicking things off this year is the father and son duo of Team Feel The Byrn, A.K.A. Axel and Gordo Byrn. If the name Gordo sounds familiar, well it should! We spoke with Gordo back in Episode 138 and he is a wealth of knowledge on all things endurance training…and parenting. This was an awesome conversation and we can wait to share it with all of you.

But first…

Brief History of LTBz’s Partners Month

In early 2021, we were sitting in Studio G talking about content when one of us came up with the idea to feature partners for Valentine’s Day. One thing led to another and Partners Month was born. (Friendly reminder: if you’re a solo Swimrunner, that’s cool too!)

In that first year, we featured Team Max Mockermann, The Adorkables, The Monks, and did a Swimrun 201 show on Team Tactics

In 2022, we featured Team Mr. and Mrs. B, The Kancho Boyz, a Swimrun 101 show on Partners (Redux), and our most downloaded show ever, Team Kraken Swimrun.

Last year we interviewed Team Strömgren, Team Monkey Sea Monkey Run, Team Landshark, and shared a masterclass on effective teamwork with Brad Stulberg.

This year we have a bunch of great interviews lined up to get you in the spirit for another great year of Swimrunning! 


Our shoutout this week goes to our newest Patron on Patreon, James N. Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the races!

Feats of Endurance

This week’s award goes to our friend Lucas Desmond. He completed his first World Loppet at the Marcialonga 51 over the weekend. Have no idea what we are talking about? Marcialonga is 70km cross country ski race in Moena Italy. According to Lucas, the race was amazing and the aid stations were the best he’d ever seen! 

Make sure to sign up for our LTBz Strava Club and join Swimrunners from around the world as they train for stuff.

Show Business

Well it’s not really show business…but it is! Swimrun Christmas is on Friday, February 2nd. Best of luck to everyone vying for a spot at the 2024 ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship.

Team Feel The Byrn

It was so great to kick off Partners Month with Axel and Gordo. In this conversation we talked about their race resume, how they train for Swimrun, got a steady stream of knowledge bombs on how to raise an active family, and so much more. We’ve made it no secret that a dream of ours is to someday do a Swimrun with our kids and Gordo shared a roadmap that we will certainly follow.



That’s it for this week’s show. 

If you are enjoying the Löw Tide Böyz, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player and leave us a five-star rating and review since that’s the best way for people to discover the show and the sport of Swimrun. You can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and on YouTube. Check out our website for Swimrun resources including gear guides, tips, how-to videos and so much more. Also make sure to check out our meme page @thelowtideboyz on Instagram. If you have any suggestions for the show or questions for us, send us a dm or an email at Finally, you can support our efforts on Patreon…if you feel so inclined.

Thanks for listening and see you out there!

-  Chip and Chris

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