Episode 0058 - I Am Planning A Great Loop Adventure, Follow Me
SEP 01, 2021
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The last two podcasts have been about getting involved, fighting loneliness, starting the communication all over again. For a few weeks now I have been thinking about an adventure, to get out and explore. My decision - doing the great loop by boat. Leaving from Florida, going up the intercoastal waterway to New York, over to Chicago, down the Mississippi river to Louisiana and ending in Florida. Probably a year plus adventure. However, I can still do my work on the boat, my office will be my boat for a year. I am now in the planning stages of this adventure. Follow me. Tell me if you have done the great loop. Tell me the good, bad and ugly. If you are currently doing the great loop tell me about it. We have been locked down for so long, our mental health has been weakened and it is now time for a great adventure. You do it to, even if it is just for a day. Get out and do something amazing.

Follow my blogs, vlogs and podcasts at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge

If you have a question about business or mediation, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

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