Facing Relationship Fears: A Path to Emotional Wellness | Jasmonae Joyriel
FEB 13, 2024
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Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel is a licensed psychologist and the founder of Ignite Anew, a consulting agency that offers immersive healing retreats to women and couples. She specializes in trauma, relationships, and sex therapy where she uses an embodied approach that gets clients out of their head and into their bodies.

Dr. Joyriel is an alumna of Spelman College. She received her M.A. from Northwestern University and her PsyD from the University of Denver. Along with a thriving private practice and retreats, she co-hosts the podcast "Shyt They Didn't Tell Us." Dr. Joyriel helps you choose the career you love, find the relationships you need, and create the life you crave.

Topics covered in this episode:
Attachment Styles
Relationship Dynamics
Emotional availability
Parental Influence
Communication in Relationships
Couples' Conversations
Resentment and Walls
Facing Fears
Dating with Intention
Fundamental Relationship Needs

To learn more about Jasmonae Joyriel and his work, head over to https://www.igniteanew.com/
IG @ignite_anew


The Fair Play Deck is a couple's conversation deck for prioritizing what's important. The deck is extensive. You sit down with your partner when you have an hour to dedicate to looking through the next week, month, or year to help you balance the work that's needed to keep your household running, your family growing, your domestic bliss intact, and simply get you in a headspace where you can move forward together as a team.

This is going to allow you to develop and pursue activities and skills that bring you joy both as a couple and as individuals. Head over to http://www.lindseyelmore.com/fairplay to get a link to get the Fair Play deck and start a conversation with your partner today.


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