SPE Live Podcast: Pre-ATCE Series: HSE & Sustainability - Tangible Pathways
OCT 05, 2023
Description Community

Delve into the transformative domain of sustainability and innovation in the oil and gas industry. This SPE Live provides a sneak peek into the ATCE conference’s theme through a dynamic panel discussion that explores tangible routes to achieve net zero carbon emissions, leveraging innovations like emissions mitigation, CCUS, DAC, renewable energy advancements, and advanced storage systems. Simultaneously, uncover the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a catalyst for driving Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE), and Sustainability goals within organizations. Explore AI’s potential to enhance safety, reduce incidents, optimize operations, and foster sustainability, alongside addressing challenges and strategies for effective AI integration in HSSE practices.
Join us to gain insight into these transformative industry topics and set the stage for the enriching conversations that await at the Society of Petroleum Engineers ATCE in San Antonio, Texas on the 16-18 of October 2023. Your participation is instrumental as we collectively propel towards a more sustainable and secure future.

Moderated by: Philippe Herve, Director at PGNRG.

Wafik Beydoun, Director Americas at IOGP
Darcy Spady, Managing Partner at Carbon Connect International
