Episode 310: Sam Stiglitz - Casting Director - The Debunking Misinformation
AUG 08, 2022
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Welcome back to another episode of the Think Bigger Actors Podcast! Our guest today is Sam Stiglitz and wow has she been blowing up the Instagram/Tik Tok streets. This is truly the Debunking Misinformation Episode. We talked about her husband asking her to stop trolling. Why Actors need to follow their immediate instincts. What teachers beat out of actors and why it’s important to keep these around. We finally get to the bottom of why an actor would get blacklisted from an office. Oh and the question that’s finally answered – what makes an actor stand out. …and I finally got to confront Sam…after all these years…for not booking me on Pretty Little Liars after an amazing audition. And I get a redo

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