The God Pod



The God Pod is a satirical comedy podcast hosted by God and Jesus. The Divine Duo review the news of the week and try to make sense of the world they created.


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382 episodes

God and Jesus Laugh at Trump's Felony Conviction for a Solid 30 Minutes

Happy Pride Month!  What a week it was! Jesus and God catch up and laugh and laugh and laugh. We discuss where we were when we heard the news that he was convicted, and everything that’s happened since.  We discuss: __ __ Where were you when you first heard Trump was convicted? Let us know in the comments!  JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER AND NEVER MISS AN EPISODE OR SATIRE NEWS ARTICLE AGAIN: HTTPS://WWW.THEGODPODCAST.COM/

Jun 05
God and Jesus Denounce Project 2025

On this week’s episode of The God Pod I hang out with my son Jesus Christ after a week off in Jamaica, mon.  We discuss: __ __  

1h 6m
May 29
Thou Shalt Not Create A Federal Database Of Pregnant Women!

Dear Americans, As the Almighty LORD THY GOD, I’ve watched over humanity for thousands of years.  I’ve seen the evolution of societies, the rise and fall of empires, and the ebb and flow of human rights. Today, I’m frigging furious over Alabama Senator Katie Britt’s proposal for the ‘MOMS’ act, which OF COURSE she says would help moms, but in fact would create a federal database of pregnant women. And that is terrifying. This dystopian database not only infringes on personal freedoms but paves the way for a ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ future. Once created, anytime a woman gets pregnant, it would be one step away from Republicans forcing every pregnant woman to sign up for this database. They would be force-fed pro-life propaganda and denied all access to any information even considering the option for abortion. What’s next? GPS collar trackers to put on their necks to make sure they don’t try to flee to a state that offers abortion access? I can just hear them now, “These GPS, or GOD positioning system trackers, will keep all babies safe from baby-eating atheists.” Set against the backdrop of a second Trump presidency, and the onslaught of Project 2025, there is no question that Republicans are viewing “The Handmaid’s Tale” not as a work of fiction, but as a guide for how to form the future. Did this proposal set off alarm bells across the political spectrum? Was it being covered on all major news networks? I didn’t see anything about it except for what I saw online. Oh, I’m sure it was mentioned on some broadcasts, but sparingly if at all. No time for any of that while they’re busy obsessing about other things. BUT GOD SAW IT. The mere suggestion of such a database should be driving everyone in the country who believes in personal freedom, privacy, and public health? …absolutely insane. I implore you to stand with me against this measure. Spread the word about what the Republicans are trying to do. It’s not enough for them to take away a woman’s right to choose. They will never stop reaching for more. They won’t stop until every woman has an implant that tracks their physical location at all times. Thou shalt not create a federal database of pregnant women, for it is an affront to the sanctity of personal autonomy and the essence of human dignity. God

May 14
Why do Republicans hate dogs so much?

In this episode of the God Pod, God tells Jesus how excited he is to have joined Substack and grow a newsletter there: Also discussed today: __ __  

1h 2m
May 07
God's Evil Twin 'Tod' Takes Over The Pod

God goes on hiatus and his evil twin brother ‘Tod’ replaces him to discuss the latest news with Jesus.  Discussed today: __ __ All this and so much more on today’s episode of The God Pod!  

May 01
Tucker Carlson Proves Evolution Is False

God and Jesus hang out and review the latest news.  Discussed today: __ __ Listen to God’s frigging podcast, dammit.  

Apr 23
Back To The Past, Part 1864

God and Jesus travel back in time to the year 1864, just kidding it’s still 2024, although it’s hard to tell sometimes. Discussed today: __ __ Listen to God’s frigging podcast, dammit.  

1h 7m
Apr 16
The Rapture Didn't Happen Again

On today's episode, God and Jesus discuss: __ __

Apr 09
National Trans Easter Solar Eclipse Visibility Day

TODAY GOD AND JESUS DISCUSS: Trump sells Bibles for $60, MAGA freaks out over National Trans Easter Visibility Day, Project 2025, and Christian conservatives go nuts over the coming total eclipse of the sun. All this and more on this episode of the God Podcast.

Apr 06
God And Jesus Are Woke AF

God and Jesus review all the latest news in politics, entertainment, and the world.

Mar 28