#93: "Fun With Stupid" + Hotez v RFK Jr./Rogan + OMG BlackRock + Titan Theories
JUN 26, 2023
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We're back with more Fun with Stupid, which this week includes scientist Peter Hotez and his ongoing war with the internet/RFK Jr. and Joe Rogan. It also includes seemingly everybody involved with this submarine implosion, as well as horny Blackrock employees. Also this week Sam recaps his trip to the Watermelon Festival.

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More stuff:

Get episodes early, and unedited, plus bonus episodes: www.rokfin.com/brokensimulation or www.patreon.com/brokensimulation

Watch Broken Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob18bx1jaU1HYPCPNRnyog

Social media:
Twitter: @fatdragonpro, @johnnywoodard
Instagram: @samtripoli, @johnnyawoodard

The outro song is "Growing Growing Gone" by Fastball. Listen to it at www.patreon.com/fastball!

Want to see Sam live? Visit www.samtripoli.com for tickets!

Hosts: Sam Tripoli, Johnny Woodard

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