Guest Episode With WCTW Paranormal
JAN 17, 2024
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Our first guest episode of 2024 features an interview with William, a paranormal investigator and founder of WTCW Paranormal. Based in Hampton Roads, Virginia, William has conducted investigations at various locations, including The Waverly Mansion and Ferry Plantation House. During his interview with Isaac, William shares his approach to paranormal investigations and reveals some of his own personal experiences. His insights offer a unique perspective on the subject that is sure to captivate your attention. And a great kickoff to guest episodes for the 2024 season.

Where To Find William

Instagram: @wtcwparanormal

YouTube: WTCW Paranormal

Facebook: WTCW Paranormal

Pizza Bonez Event

Instagram: @pizzabonez

Reserve by calling (910) 333-0759

Feb 14,2024 Starting At 5:00 pm EST

Merch will be available!

We'll Catch You Weirdos In The Next One...

What's coming next?: Our Next episode will be diving into haunted battlefields.

Contact Us Or Follow Us!

If you're needing to get in contact with us or want to follow us on social's all our links!

Tik Tok: @hiddeninthepodca2

Instagram: @hiddenintheshadowspodcast

Facebook: Hidden In the Shadows Podcast



Twitter: @hiddeninthesha6

Digging our intro and Outro music? Every time we go through a change in the podcast, we've introduced new intro and outro music. For a good chunk of time, it was from the band Maudlin. Which if you heard any episodes up until this one! Make sure to check out Maudlin! They are an amazing band!

Our new music is called Swamp Witch by Slip. Stream

As always if you ever want to submit or talk to us about your paranormal experiences make sure to message us on any of our social media, fill out our contact form on our website or shoot us an email!

More Spooky content coming soon! Follow us for more information!

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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