Episode 201: Helping Kids Work Through the Lonelies with Emily Ley
AUG 01, 2024
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How many of your lives are better organized at the hands of our friend Emily Ley? Ours sure are. We love her organizers, her Instagram account and all the tips we find there and we are HUGE fans of her children’s books!

This episode comes at a perfect time, as so many of us are sending nervous kiddos back to school. “Who will I sit with?” “Who do I play with at recess?” It can be tough to start back to school. Even the most confident kids can feel apprehensive about friends. You’ll Always Have a Friend, her newest book, addresses these questions and more. We love that it not only helps kids with practical tools in making friends, but it helps them find more creative ways as to “what to do when the lonelies come”. (How great is that subtitle?!) We can’t wait for you to listen in on this conversation full of helpful, practical tips from our wise and immensely helpful friend Emily Ley! 

Episode 61: Helping Kids See Their True Identity with Emily Ley
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For a deeper dive, we've now got the Ages and Stages Discussion Guides up on our website - with Try it Out sections and devotionals for each day of the week. Go to raisingboysandgirls.com/shop and scroll down to the bottom!

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