How more accurate data is helping FIs acquire more business banking and merchant processing
JAN 23
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Welcome to the Tearsheet Podcast, where we navigate financial services together with an eye on technology, innovation, new models, and changing expectations. I’m Tearsheet editor in chief, Zack Miller.

On today’s episode, we’re going to delve into the world of data-driven marketing for business banking and merchant services. Joining us today are experts from FMCG Direct, a full-service omni-channel marketing agency specializing in financial institutions, and Enigma Technologies (, a data provider offering detailed insights into the health and identity of small and medium businesses.

Our guests today include Elissa Rudd, Head of Data and Data Science at FMCG Direct, Tucker Triolo, Director of Performance Optimization at FMCG Direct, and Scott Steinberg, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Product Officer of Enigma Technologies. Together, they share their experiences and perspectives on leveraging accurate data to enhance marketing campaigns and drive business customer acquisition in the financial space.

We explore the challenges in acquiring precise data, the unique approach of FMCG Direct in pay-for-performance campaigns, and the transformative impact of Enigma's data on merchant acquisition strategies. Our guests also shed light on the evolving trends in the industry, the importance of personalization, and the increasing focus on vertical payment solutions.

Whether you're a financial marketer looking to enhance your strategies or a business owner navigating the complex landscape of business banking and merchant services, this episode provides valuable insights and predictions for the future of data-driven marketing. Let's dive into the conversation with Elissa, Tucker, and Scott.