EP 32: 5 Tips on Being the Best Father You Can Be; Inner Man Q&A
JUL 09, 2021
Description Community
Today the Shayne and Dylan discuss fatherhood and 5, not so cliche tips to being a better communicator, leader, and role model for your children.
The boys also answer a few questions from the inter web and private forum!
As always this was a fantastic conversation and we hope you enjoy the show.
Make sure to head over IG and check out the amazing folks @myrtleinmay. They are doing a fundraiser and donating proceeds to the The Inner Man Project Foundation.
Also make sure to check out the amazing team and products over @northwellnesscbd as they are promoting Skylar Roth, and helping him raise money for mental health. Skylar is running across Canada and is making crazy progress @miles4smilescanada
Show Notes
Make sure to head over to FB and Amazon, and grab yourselves a copy of Brandon's new book 'Popular Monster: The Jason Long Story'
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