6-20-23 Year 1 Pentecost 3 Tuesday
JUN 20, 2023
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The “scarlet thread” that runs throughout the scripture is the salvation of man found only in Jesus Christ. It is scarlet because the salvation is ultimately found in the blood of Jesus, and it is a thread because it is foreshadowed and preached about in the Old Testament before being realized in the New. This podcast features readings from the two-year daily lectionary, specifically the lectionary proscribed by the Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) and used in For All the Saints, published by the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau (www.alpb.org). The two-year daily lectionary moves you through the high points of the Bible with a daily reading from the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Gospels. I will also include a reading from the Psalter or Proverbs. There will be no special effects or background music; just the plain reading of God’s Word. And no fundraising, either! However, feel free to rate the show if you enjoy it as that helps its visibility.

After the two-year cycle, you will have gone through the high points of the Old Testament one time and most of the New Testament about 2 times. While this is not a complete reading of the Bible, it is a great way to grow in familiarity with the main narrative of the Bible. As it follows the liturgical year, festival and saint’s days will also be observed.

This podcast uses the  Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible. It is sponsored by First Lutheran in Houston (www.flhouston.org). You may also be interested in the Theology on Air Podcast which is a Christian apologetics radio program. Find it at the iTunes Store by searching for Theology on Air. You can contact me directly by email: pastor@flhouston.org.

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