MAX Health and Fitness Recordings

Max International College for Fitness Professionals


Podcast by Max International College for Fitness Professionals

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1544 episodes

BLAME…Past, Parents, Problems…Stopping Or Inspiring You…with Rowie McEvoy

Have you ever blamed your past, your parents, or your problems, for the state of your life? Do you know other people who do? Can we turn all negatives into inspiration to get tougher, stronger, wiser, better? YES? NO? Why?

Mar 31
Belly Fat And Bum Fat…Are They The Same And How To Burn Them Both Fast...with Rowie McEvoy

Belly Fat and Bum Fat…Are they the same and how to burn them both fast, and safely and keep them off?

Mar 30
Social Media Posts…Brave Or A Coward…Do They Aim To Help Or Hurt… With Rowie McEvoy

Social Media Posts…Brave or a Coward…Do they aim to help or hurt? How to handle the critics and the haters...

Mar 29
Counting and Numbers…Are they hurting or helping our exercise results…with Rowie McEvoy

Counting and Numbers…Are they hurting or helping our exercise results? What should we count, what numbers or counting do not matter or could stop us from achieving our results?

Mar 29
Personal Training As A Career…CAN’T Or CAN And WHY…with Rowie McEvoy

Personal Training, Exercise Professional, the Exercise Professional as a Career…CAN’T or CAN and WHY? My personal story of starting my career as an Exercise Professional at 13 and now 45+ years later- loving it more and more every day, having made a stack of screw-ups and mistakes, and having had massive successes, how I can, will and want to help you too!

Mar 27
Time…Do You Ever Run Out Of It…with Rowie McEvoy

Time…Is there a fool-proof plan for getting more out of EVERY minute/hour/day? If Yes- HOW?

Mar 27
Scared Of Failing…What If You SUCCEED… With Rowie McEvoy

Scared of Failing-What if you SUCCEED? Think you “Can’t”- what if you can? Think it won’t work, what if it does? How to be a SUCCEED and CAN person…

Mar 27
Weak And Can Only Handle The Easy Stuff…with Rowie McEvoy

Do you have the option to be weak and only handle the easy stuff? If you need to be, how do we get tough enough to do the HARD Stuff?

Mar 27
‘Can’t’ Or ‘Won’t’ Achieve Your Goals…with Rowie McEvoy

‘Can’t’ or ‘Won’t’ Achieve Your Goals? Do or Don’t, Can or Can’t, do we choose who we are and what we achieve and does it depend on our attitude?…

Mar 26
Life Hits You Hard…Do You Have An Option To Stay Down…with Rowie McEvoy

When Life Hits You Hard, and it will, do you fall and have an option to stay down? OR do you have to be TOUGH and STRONG - mentally and physically to stay standing?

Mar 26
Do You Choose Fail Or Do You FIND Another Way… With Rowie McEvoy

Do you Choose Fail or Do you FIND another way? Do you have an option to fail- GIVE UP on your goals or do you HAVE to find another way?

Mar 26
Average, Ordinary, ‘Just Enough’ Why That Is How Most People Live…with Rowie McEvoy

Average, Ordinary, ‘Just enough’ to get by… Is that why that is all most people have/do /achieve? YES/NO/WHY?

Mar 19
Do You Want A Career As A Personal Trainer But You Are Scared You Will Fail…with Rowie McEvoy

The real-life story of Jed Roberts; A full-time MAX Exercise Professional / Personal Trainer who thought his successful, profitable home exercise studio would be impossible AND How and why it is now a reality…

Mar 19
Weak Body And Brain Or Mentally And Physically Strong…with Rowie McEvoy

Do you have the option to have a weak body and brain or do you need to be mentally and physically strong? If you HAVE to be tough- how do you know you are?

Mar 18
Sick Of Having A Crappy Life…with Rowie McEvoy

What if a life you love, a healthy, fit, strong body, a career or business you are passionate about AND respectful people in your life was not only possible BUT SIMPLE? Here’s How……

Mar 18
Are You Addicted To Sugar…with Rowie McEvoy

Are you addicted to Sugar? If yes, why and how can you overcome the addiction?

Mar 18
How To Stop Caring What Other People Think…with Rowie McEvoy

Do you need people to like you? Why do we care what other people think? Is it stopping you from doing what you want to do- being YOU? How to stop caring about other people liking you because you like and respect yourself…

Mar 17
Rest And Rust…How Fast Does The Human Body Get Weak, Fat And Old…with Rowie McEvoy

If we Rest how fast do we “Rust”, get old, fat, and weak? Can we stay strong, lean, and fit even if we are busy, injured, sick, or pregnant?

Mar 17
Are You A Unique Individual OR Do You Follow The Crowd…with Rowie McEvoy

Are you a unique individual? Do you have your own, unique style or do you follow the fashion, the crowd? Do you do what all the other folks are doing, saying, wearing, listening to, watching and even thinking? OR memorable because you are different?

Mar 15
Imagination…Why It Could Be More Important Than Education…with Rowie McEvoy

Imagination…Why it could be more important than education? Why would we want to learn about something we are not excited about and why would we want to achieve a goal we have not “Imagined”?

Mar 15
“Google” Research…How Do We Know It Is True Or Right…with Rowie McEvoy

“Google” Research…How do we know it is true or right? What do we need to ask or learn so we can analyse all the information we receive for ourselves?

Mar 14
Opinions…To Share Or Not To Share…WHY And HOW…with Rowie McEvoy

Opinions…we all have the right to have ours but should we share them? Yes/NO and if yes, why and when?

Mar 13
Integrity…Being Genuine…Are We, And Can We Pick Who Is Not…with Rowie McEvoy

Integrity - Being Genuine…Are we living what we say/teach/preach/post, and can we pick who is not?

Mar 12
‘Smart” Phones…Are They Screwing Up Lives…with Rowie McEvoy

Could your ‘Smart” phone be screwing up your life? What are the positive and negative consequences of having your phone with you all the time?

Mar 11
Could bad manners stop your career success…with Rowie McEvoy

Could bad manners stop your career, business or personal relationship success?

Mar 11
Less than 100%...What are the harsh consequences of ‘Just enough to get by’…

Less than 100%...What are the harsh consequences of doing ‘Just enough to get by or giving less than 100% effort?

Mar 07
Old, Weak, Fat And Frail OR Stay Young…with Rowie McEvoy

Old, weak, fat and frail OR Stay Young? Can we choose and if yes, why do so many people seem to be choosing to get old fast? Is there ONE vital thing to do to stay healthy, fit and strong, young and lean for a lifetime?

Mar 06
Are You Embarrassed About OR Proud Of Your Life…with Rowie McEvoy

Are you embarrassed about or proud of your life? How do you want to live and are you living that way?

Mar 06
Why Do We Ever Live An Average Life Or Put Up With Average In Any Other Area Of Our Life

Average…Why do we ever live an average life or put up with average in any other area of our life? How to avoid average and live a 100% happy to the Max Life

Mar 05