Digital Insurance Pint: Money (Pink Floyd)
MAY 07, 2023
Description Community
New car, caviar, think I’ll buy me a football team.

With multiples at an all-time high and a raft of recent broker sales, the DIPP guys take a deep dive into broker M & A.

They dig into the motivations of brokers who are selling, debate whether niche brokers can survive, and discuss whether scale is the only competitive factor that works. Can strategic partnerships, clusters, and franchises drive this scale?

M & A needs financing, so the guys get into the different styles of financing, whether that’s financing for growth, acquisition, or succession. They also debate the pros & cons of getting your money from the banks, insurers, or VCs. What are the pros, cons, and fine print?


Tom Reid

Jeff Roy

Steve Earle

Adam Mitchell

Digital Insurance Pint Podcast