Finding Your Happiness: The Holiday Special with Elizabeth Ferreira
DEC 25, 2023
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Forrest and Elizabeth welcome listeners into their home to talk about their changing relationship with the holidays, letting go of the past, healthy boundaries, glimmers, and different paths to taking in the good. Along the way they talk about different approaches to working with trauma, connecting with the body, and getting on our own side.

You can watch this episode on YouTube.

Key Topics:

0:00: Introduction

2:00: Elizabeth’s history with the holidays, and claiming your own rituals

5:20: Experiencing the holidays without an agenda

10:15: Glimmers in Polyvagal Theory

14:10: Working with a challenging relationship history

21:35: Somatic psychology, and respecting the mind

28:40: Regulating through movement 

31:55: Staying yourself inside of your family

38:45: Enjoying agency, and emphasizing beauty

42:30: Entrapment and defeat, awareness, and saying no

47:15: Attachment, contracting around desire, and taking a moment for yourself

51:20: A practice of finding glimmers

55:35: Self-compassion and camaraderie during the holidays

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