Wednesday, 03.13.24
MAR 14, 2024
Description Community

*You don't have to be a fan of The Patriots to love the new docu-series The Dynasty on Apple. The Dynasty: New England Patriots — Official Trailer | Apple TV+ - YouTube

*Looks like Robert Kennedy is seriously considering Aaron Rodgers as his running mate. 

*Is Kate Middleton in a coma? Is the royal marriage in trouble? Did a BBL surgery go wrong? Perhaps she got a bad haircut and she's just waiting for her bangs to grow back.

*The House votes to ban Tik Tok.

*The Innocence Project has taken up Scott Peterson's case.

*Slimfast still doesn't have AC at his house and now he has pantry bugs. How long can this guy keep his girlfriend around?


*Thanks for listening to the podcast. Please leave a review, tell a friend, and join us each weekday on twitch at 2p central. Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. 


-Everybody Wang Chung!!! 


