Fear and panic: listener question
FEB 24, 2024
Description Community

I recently listened to the Driving Fear post on SAFE Day 11. I too have moments whilst driving where I fear swallowing the wrong way, choking and losing control of the car. It only happens sometimes, maybe when i become aware of myself. This swallowing thing happens at other times too, maybe if out for a meal, or if someone asked me something and it requires a lengthy answer, or in the company of many.

My question is how can I best deal with these situations of choking and self obsession? Block it out or push through like i always do and regard myself as lucky it didn't happen? I have swallowed the wrong way many times and it's the most awful scary experience. At times when I haven't been worried. By pure accident rushing around. All experiences I panic because windpipe is blocked and I'm suffocating. It's horrible even recalling it.
