74. How to Use Food as Medicine: 8 Foods to Include + 3 to Avoid to Optimize Your Health with Dietician, Brigid Titgemeier
SEP 26, 2023
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Do you rely on that 3pm cup of coffee to get you through the day? Feeling like you have to choose between your health and your success?

Brigid Titgemeier is an Expert Functional Dietician who is passionate about helping others reverse food-related conditions and optimizing their health. She’s worked with some names I’m *sure* you know (ahem: Jenna Kutcher).

 We dive into Brigid’s story about how her diagnosis of narcolepsy led to her becoming a dietician, along with Brittany’s own personal health journey in today’s episode.  

Here’s what else we are covering:

  • 3 foods that may be stopping you from hitting your goals.
  • The difference between normal and optimal labs.
  • How to increase emotional resiliency.
  • My personal journey to optimizing her health.


Remember, mindset is everything. You alone have the power to change your health, and to make choices that are going to make you the best version of yourself. 

So, don’t give up. Give yourself the credit of knowing you are capable of optimizing your health.  

You got this, girl.


Join Brigid’s Blood Sugar Reset Program Starting in November!

Check out more great resources on Brigid's Instagram and website

Interested in Brigid’s Coaching Programs? Check them out HERE


Follow along with the Life With Loverly podcast insta here & Brittany’s insta here

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