75. “Without Accepting the Crazy”: If Your Year Hasn’t Gone According to Plan, You’re in Good Company
OCT 31, 2023
Description Community

Did you choose a ‘word of the year’ back in January? If so, have the last 10 months aligned with that word – have things gone according to plan?

If you’re raising a hand with a big N-O, you’re in good company.

Today, Brittany and Nichelle are sitting down and chatting through some major disappointments and setbacks they each encountered this year – and how we can all finish the year strong, even if it didn’t start how we hoped. 

The ladies are: 

  • Catching us up to speed on the Closet Sale (proceeds donated to St Judes!) and ‘Fake Fall’
  • Why their words of the year didn’t go according to plan
  • How they are finishing the year out strong despite how it started


If you’re ready for a mix of giggles alongside some vulnerable conversations around disappointment, this episode is here for you today!


Follow Life with Loverly: https://www.instagram.com/lifewithloverly/

Full notes here: www.lifewithloverly.com

Miscarriage Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/42zq1tkSGaikBTN42BORj3

