NBC 837: Dux-Soup: Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn Lead Generation Automation
OCT 02, 2023
Description Community

If you feel like you haven’t yet cracked the code for LinkedIn and figured out how to make the platform generate more sales, then this is a conversation that you’ll want to hear! In this episode, I’m joined by Will va der Sanden and Giles Garnett of Dux-Soup, the #1 LinkedIn automation tool, and they share how you can be using LinkedIn, and Dux-Soup, in your coaching business right now! 

To learn more about the Linked Lead Generation Formula and how to start leveraging the power of lead generation on LinkedIn, The Dux-Soup team is hosting a free training on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 at 1 pm EST. You can grab your spot now at  https://www.naturalborncoaches.com/linkedIn, and we’ll see you there! 

If you want to learn how to consistently earn $10k/month…WITHOUT sending cold messages to strangers or spending money on ads, don’t forget to check out my new free mini-training www.10kmonthcoach.com!

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