2024-03-10 | Dharma Talk | The 3 Marks of Existence | Laurie Winnette
MAR 11, 2024
Description Community
00:00:27 - Dharma Talk
00:15:06 - Exercise - 1. Consider something that you struggled with (were stuck in for quite a while).
00:15:50 - 2. While you were suffering - Did you seek out for help? Or did you stay in solitude?
00:16:11 - 3. How did you deal with it? Did you separate from other people?
00:16:46 - 4. In retrospect, what helped most in getting through your suffering, and did being aroung other people have an impact
00:17:34 - Participants go into breakout rooms for 20 minutes - 10 minutes to write/10 minutes to share
00:17:42 - Laurie invites Questions/reflections