☀️Pheno Hunting, Heat Resistance, and Epigenetics, with Sun God Seeds
OCT 23, 2023
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Friend of GrowCast but first time guest Sun God Seeds joins us! Today he is on the line to discuss his epic breeding work, selecting for harsh environments, and more! Sun God extrapolates on what it's like to grow in a desert climate, and what techniques he employs to ensure his cannabis plants are thriving under the desert sun. This leads to a conversation about utilizing what's around you, and growing for your environment. The conversation turns towards pheno hunting, and Sun God explains what drives his selection process when he does large scale 100+ plant hunts. He also talks about how he views breeding, and how to intentionally and quickly bottleneck certain traits that you are looking to isolate. Sun God wraps up the show by going in depth into some of his new strains, how they express, and what's next on the menu for Sun God seeds.

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