APR 16, 2021
Description Community

Do you remember being a kid and thinking that the world was your oyster? Wishes really did come true, you really would have a fairy Godmother, and Prince Charming would one day whisk you away on his white horse.

Life happens, we have experiences, failures, disappointments, and year after year our belief in that magic slowly fades away. 

We may not live in a fairy tale, but that doesn't mean we can't still dream! Our dreams may look different as they did when we were that 4 year old little girl and we may have lost those feelings of make believe and that's okay; it's normal!

That being said, we don't have to give up on our dreams, no matter how big our small just because we get older and life changes. That feeling of excitement can still be felt if you just take some time to dream! 

What do you want to accomplish? What are somethings you used to want as a young girl that you could still have today? Your dream shouldn't die with your youth; they just don't happen like we used to think they did.W

If we change our thinking from impossible to possible and we take each day to do something that helps us get one step closer; even the smallest of changes, can make a big difference and get you to that goal.

And hey... if you shoot for the moon and miss, at least you land amongst the stars right?! What have you got to lose?

That feeling of progress regardless if your dreams actually come true, is worth believing all over again!

Happy Friday :) 



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