Episode 0055 - Biden / Harris Are Derelict in Their Duties - Resign
AUG 27, 2021
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Yesterday I watched Bidens press conference and became amazed at a man that can not lead. Americans died because of his leadership. Terrorists took over because of Bidens leadership. He is right, the buck stops at his desk. The problem is he is never at his desk because he can't lead. He is responsible for a nation, relationships with our internation friends, but he abandoned them. When a leader shows weakness to our enimies they will attack the weak. Weak leadership creates chaos and death. Weakness puts a target on Americans everywhere, there is evil out there ready to pounce on weakness. Put your politics to the side and ask yourself, is Biden leading? is he making the right decisions for America and our international community? When we hire bad leaders chaos rolls into a larger incident that will destroy even more lives. Ask yourself, is it time to demand for another election to choose a leader? Do we need to vote for a no confidence of the President? Is it time for Biden and Harris to resign because of derelict of duties to America? We need to make a decision fast. Ask the question, has Biden / Harris been derelict in their duties?

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