Ep. 468: Abraham’s Vision About Today’s Events; Israel at War: Answering the Tough Questions Part 2
E OCT 23, 2023
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Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:


How to find strength and direction in these times?

What can we learn from the flood destroying the “world filled with chamas” (in Parshas Noach) for our times today?

What should Israel be doing now?

What do we learn from Jacob when he prepared to confront Esau?

Why don’t we try to appease our enemies?

Should we celebrate when our enemies are destroyed?

Are these events teaching us that we need to all move to Israel?

How does Chassidus explain evil and how to eradicate it?

How can things be getting worse instead of getting better if we are doing the things the Rebbe asked us to do?

What are the roots and the deeper inside story behind this war?

Where do we find these origins in this week’s Torah portion?

Please elaborate on the prescient verses in this week’s parsha about current events – the Promised Land, the covenant, the birth of Yishmael and Isaac

What was the “deep dark dread” that fell upon Abraham? Was he shown the wars and suffering his children would endure in the future?

Are today's conflicts a continuation of unresolved problems between Yitzchok and Yishmael?

How could someone like Yishmael originate from the tzaddik Avraham?

How is Yishmael still causing problems if Yishmael did teshuva later in his life?

What will the end story look like?

Will the Muslims ultimately be tamed and live in peace with the Jews, just as the Christians did after close to 2000 years of persecuting us?

Should we at some point teach the people in Gaza and everywhere else the Seven Noachide Laws?

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