Fallout: New Vegas Part 5 - Liza with a P
OCT 02, 2023
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Square Roots - Episode 383
Okay, we didn't hit our goal for this chunker again - we'll save dealing with the Brotherhood until next time. But this time on Square Roots we explore different methods of dealing with the Boomers and the Great Khans and continually tease how great Vault 34 is without actually getting there.
- Vanessa Describes the Best Scene from Retribution
- Matthew's Origin Story
- You're Legally Allowed to Kiss Them Whenever You Want
- 2 Jacks at the Same Time
- The Scrap Bringer
- Updating Vanessa's New Vegas Sex Count
- A Selection of the B-29's Greatest Hits

This Week: We deal with the Boomers and The Great Kahns. WARNING: The end of these quests can trigger the point of no return for your endgame faction. If you’re not sure which way you want to go yet do not report to House, Yes Man, Caesar, or NCR.
Next Week:  We finish up with the Brotherhood of Steel finally as well as reaching the Casino in Dead Money.

Our Patreon: http://patreon.com/squarerootspodcast
Thanks to Steven Morris for his awesome theme! You can find him at: https://twitter.com/BeigeOnBeige and https://www.youtube.com/user/morrissteven

Contact Square Roots!
Twitter: @squarerootspod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486022898258197/
Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com

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