Constantine (2005) with Mike Regan
DEC 25, 2023
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Merry Christmas!! Hey, can you pick me and Reegs up from the airport? We just flew in from HELLAX and boy are our arms tired. Luckily the in-flight entertainment was this week's best horror movie ever made, Constantine (2005)!

We're keeping things on theme for Plutember 3: All Georgie Picks: Week 2: With Reegs, talking about a psychic detective, bespoke leather accessories, character names like "doubleface" and our write-in campaign for the WHAP boys to get involved in Constantine 2! #WHAPBoysGetInvolvedInConstantine2. hmm... maybe that hashtag could still use a little work.
PS: the final episode of Plutember will be the bonus episode of the month, JP and I discussing George Romero's The Amusement Park, only behind the dreaded paywall!!!! Sign up now so you don't miss out on this and many more great bonus episodes.

Production note: While editing this episode it felt noticeable to me that I was a little scattered. Sadly my "producer" and dear friend Stevie the cat has passed away, and this was recorded a few days before that happened. I was trying to just keep things on schedule since there wasn't much I could do but her illness was definitely on my mind, so I apologize for any moments that seem a little distracted.
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