s02e04 - Ghost Train
NOV 30, 2022
Description Community

A flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time. In this episode we skate on the ice rink of chaos on the hottest day of the year.

In this episode we have:
We're All Ghosts Here' by Amelia Armande
More Than Paper’
by Paul McNally
by Noah Martin
'The Hunt' by Ella Brasington
'Migrant Labour' by Tom McNally

Featuring listener submissions:
'The House of my Dreams' by CatGirl (Adimverse member)
'Echo' by
Dorrie Smith

Pour your love and scorn on Red Button Audio's twitter or by mailing us on 100words@redbuttonaudio.org

Created by Tom McNally, featuring Amelia Armande, Paul McNally, Noah Martin and Ella Brasington.

Transcript and all story iterations are available here.

Theme tune is Music For Jellyfish by Bell Lungs.

Story music was generated by Computoser

Track art generated by Midjourney

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