Third Eye Blind's Album of One-Hit Wonders
SEP 18, 2023
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How many hits can you have and still be misremembered as a one-hit wonder? In the latest episode of Columbia House Party hosts Jake Goldsbie and Blake Murphy try to find out by diving into Third Eye Blind's self-titled album. The successful debut produced five singles over the course of two years, landing them on era-defining compilation albums and every late-90s and early-00s coming-of-age soundtrack. Semi-Charmed Life may be the tune people remember them for the most - and it's a great snapshot of what remains a pretty definitive sound - but this album is deeper than you remember. Find out more about the non-singles that had an influence outside the genre, the alleged difficulties of working with Stephan Jenkins, and a tough ride on the MuchMusic Countdown in this week’s podcast.

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