Conquering Holiday Stress: Gratitude, Boundaries and Nature with Calen Otto
DEC 27, 2023
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Calen Otto is back to help me unravel the myths clouding conscious living and mindfulness. Together, we expose the truth behind the illusion that self-care is a time-consuming luxury and tackle the irony of the stress-inducing stress-relief market. Our conversation brings you an authentic look at the healing powers of gratitude, breathing exercises, and the courage to face the challenges of self-reflection.

As the holidays loom, the pressure mounts, and mental health often takes a backseat. Not in this episode. I'm sharing how my morning routine—complete with gratitude journaling and tapping—anchors my day in positivity and how critical it is to set boundaries for holiday harmony. Calen and I emphasize the strength found in support systems and the joy in simple practices. Whether it's through the soothing act of reading or the invigorating jolt from your favorite music playlist, we highlight the transformative potential of maintaining self-care rituals, even amidst the festive whirlwind.

Embarking on this journey, it's clear that helping others starts with helping ourselves. Reflecting on my resistance to therapy and its eventual embrace, we discuss how professional help can be a source of empowerment. With Kaylan, we investigate the weighty responsibility of advocacy work, and why personal well-being must be the foundation upon which we build our efforts to better the world. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's an honest conversation about how to survive the world. 

Guest bio: Calen Ann Otto is a queer, anti-speciesist travel blogger who explores the big wide world on a very small budget. After completing a solo trip across the USA at the age of 19 with only $300 and a bike, Calen discovered that there are so many alternative ways to travel that cost less.

Inspired by their love of meeting strangers and sharing their incredible stories, Calen created the Unruly Travel blog. There they share photos, videos, articles, and podcast episodes from their unique travels in hopes to inspire others to get out and grow. Calen has been to 5 continents, 35 states, 20 National Parks, and more than 20 countries as a vegan and is passionate about doing the least amount of harm wherever they go. They wrote and published 'The Art Of Unruly Travel On A Budget' travel guidebook to make travel more accessible to all. 

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Music by Matthew Baxley
