Major League Pitcher Halladay's Flight Stunts Lead to Death – Episode 190
NOV 08, 2023
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A former major league pitcher who had a Hall of Fame career died when doing stunt-type maneuvers in his plane. Todd Curtis and John Goglia discuss Roy "Doc" Halladay’s risk-taking behavior that led to the November 2017 crash of the Icon A5 light sport aircraft he was piloting.

The plane crash occurred when Halladay was executing aggressive maneuvers at low altitudes over the waters near Clearwater, Florida. The NTSB investigation showed that Halladay had drugs in his system that would have likely impaired his decision-making ability.

John sums up Halladay’s actions as “absolutely crazy.” Todd notes that the bad decision making started long before he got into the cockpit that day.

Pilots, mechanics, and others in the aviation community have a responsibility to act when others are making decisions or taking actions that put themselves and others at risk in the air. These actions may save lives and avoid aviation disasters.

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