Wild Geese Getaway: A Nature-Inspired Mindfulness Meditation
AUG 08, 2024
Description Community

7 a.m. 

It’s a cool, blue morning, and we are seated alongside the Coosa River in Alabama. Our guided meditation practice begins with mindful breathing and sensory awareness. This is an opportunity for cosmic connection and deep relaxation.

It is silent except for the birds’ morning chorus and a whisper of wind through the river grasses.

Gradually, a family of geese make themselves known, and we are instantly reminded of Mary Oliver’s poem Wild Geese, which ends with the line - 

{...} the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting — over and over announcing your place in the family of things.

Today’s poetic meditation is inspired by this invitation to remember our place in the family of things, to maintain a mindful awareness of our relationship with nature, to re-weave ourselves into the animate earth around us. Join me for this 6-minute, nature-inspired meditation.

Creek Native Americans were the first people to hear the sounds of the Coosa River that are played in this meditation.

Thank you to Brianna Nielsen for production and editing support. Find her at:


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