Ep 190 Jeff Goin the author of the PPG Bible only on ClearPropTV and Run Into The Sky paramotor podcast
OCT 25, 2023
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Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast

Ep 190 - Jeff Goin the author of the PPG Bible

Bio: Airline Captain, Author, Software Developer, Reaction Simulation Founder & CEO. Jeff Goin is a flyer of things, author, and software developer. He founded the US Powered Paragliding Association in 2001, authored two books on the sport, was creator of the Risk & Reward video, and Master PPG series. He is a 737 Captain and has been flying airliners for 35 years, and also flies an Enstrom helicopter, hang glider trike, and Beechcraft bonanza. In 2020 he founded Reaction Simulation and is trying to revolutionize how pilots learn and maintain proficiency using devices they already have or relatively inexpensive virtual reality gear. http://www.ReactionSimulation.com


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