The past year has illuminated huge differences of opinion in our world, differences which many interpret to be political yet is this really at the crux of what s going on? Healer, inventor, and activist Leanne Venier joins Christine to explore deeper aspects of the divide. They discuss how current events are illuminating the shadow side of individuals as well as the collective, and how creating a positive future fully depends on our ability to move beyond that shadow. Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to -
On September 23, 2021 at 2:00 pm CST, (2 weeks after the live airing of the show), Leanne is hosting a FREE LIVE INTERACTIVE Zoom meeting for Christine s listeners (up to 100 people will be able to join in THE LIVE INTERACTIVE meeting) where they will be able to ask Leanne specific questions about how to heal the energy body and physical body from ANY illness or disease, including K0-vid, the jabs, spike proteins and more.
Join Us! LIVE Zoom meeting on September 23, 2001 at 2:00 pm CST. Replay will be available.
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