On the Mark from Newsradio 1070 WKOK

Newsradio 1070 WKOK


This is the home to WKOK's On the Mark, offering you a chance to talk about the issues that are important to you. It's a local talk show that lets you share your opinion with a call, email and text.

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1135 episodes

12/22/22 On The Mark: Joe & Steve Kusheloff host US Senator Bob Casey on the budget bill, CSVT, teen suicide and '22 accomplishments, then open phones

12/22/22 On The Mark: Joe & Steve Kusheloff host US Senator Bob Casey on the budget bill, CSVT, teen suicide and '22 accomplishments, then open phones included comments about Sen. Casey's remarks and how disgustingly, pathetic, democrats are (Van).

1h 11m
Dec 22, 2022
12/21/22 On The Mark: Joe & Steve Kusheloff talk about Pres. Trump's tax records, why he lost so much money, and a vibrant, partisan discussion on open phones

12/21/22 On The Mark: Joe & Steve Kusheloff talk about Pres. Trump's tax records, why he lost so much money, and a vibrant, partisan discussion on open phones

1h 10m
Dec 21, 2022
CBS Congressional Correspondent Scott MacFarlane on Jan 6 and their final report

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host CBS Congressional Correspondent Scott MacFarlane on Jan 6  Committee and their final report, the criminal recommendations, the ethics violations and what’s next with a GOP US House on the way.  We talked about Cong. Perry and his ethics presentment, what isn’t in the findings (intel and security failures) and what the GOP will investigate.

Dec 20, 2022
12/20/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host CBS Congressional Correspondent Scott MacFarlane on Jan 6 and their final report, then open phones

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host CBS Congressional Correspondent Scott MacFarlane on Jan 6  Committee and their final report, the criminal recommendations, the ethics violations and what’s next with a GOP US House on the way.  We talked about Cong. Perry and his ethics presentment, what isn’t in the findings (intel and security failures) and what the GOP will investigate. During open phones, a vibrant discussion followed regarding the committee and their findings.

1h 10m
Dec 20, 2022
12/19/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss Pres. Biden's latest 'mis-remembering,' the Milton/Selinsgrove racism accusations, Blue Laws, Jan. 6th and other topics

12/19/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss Pres. Biden's latest 'mis-remembering,' the Milton/Selinsgrove racism accusations, Blue Laws, Jan. 6th and other topics

1h 12m
Dec 19, 2022
12/16/22 On The Mark: Mark & Ben host Howard Wooldrige, who is advocating for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of of all drugs

12/16/22 On The Mark: Mark & Ben host Howard Wooldrige, who is advocating for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of of all drugs. We talk about the failed prohibition of all drugs and the cost for, and two law enforcement. During open phones, we discussed legalizing drugs, morals, responsibility, taxation, regulation, and other aspects of government controlled drugs.

1h 11m
Dec 16, 2022
12/15/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss Pres. Biden's age, how old is two old, are Dems available to be President, and more...

12/15/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss Pres. Biden's age, how old is two old, are Dems available to be President, and more...

1h 11m
Dec 15, 2022
12/14/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Lynda Schlegel Culver, state house member and PA Senate candidate, on Caring for Kids, Sen. Gordner, running for higher office and he GOP minority implications

12/14/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Lynda Schlegel Culver, state house member and PA Senate candidate, on Caring for Kids, Sen. Gordner, running for higher office and he GOP minority implications. During open phones, we enjoyed a vibrant discussion about the Cambridge dictionary redefining a man as a person who identifies as a man.

1h 12m
Dec 14, 2022
12/12/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe hold open phones, discussing Kyrsten Sinema, the PA House GOP/Dem Majority/Minority fight, etc.

12/12/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe hold open phones, discussing Kyrsten Sinema, the PA House GOP/Dem Majority/Minority fight and who should be our next president.

1h 10m
Dec 12, 2022
12/9/22 On The Mark: Mark & John Shipman host calls from State Reps. Jamie Flick (R-83rd) and Stephanie Borowitz (R-76th), as well as a conversation about gun violence and the Griner/Bout swap

12/9/22 On The Mark: Mark & John Shipman host calls from State Reps. Jamie Flick (R-83rd) and Stephanie Borowitz (R-76th), as well as a conversation about gun violence and the Griner/Bout swap

1h 12m
Dec 09, 2022
12/8/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about the release of Brittany Griner, vs. the release of Viktor Bout, or Whelan, or others. LGBTQ vs. others, white vs. black, division vs. unity

12/8/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about the release of Brittany Griner, vs. the release of Viktor Bout, or Whelan, or others. LGBTQ vs. others, white vs. black, division vs. unity

1h 11m
Dec 08, 2022
12/7 22 State Senator Gene Yaw (R-23rd, Loyalsock) on the Krasner impeach trial, Pres. Trump's waning impact and Sen. Gordner's vacancy

State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23rd, Loyalsock), on the latest issues in Harrisburg, the radar bill, the big wrap-up of activities in Harrisburg, the impeachment trial starting soon, and the Sen. Gordner vacancy. We talked about how the PA House majority change (may) impact the Senate.

Dec 07, 2022
12/7/22 On The Mark: Mark and Joe host PA Sen. Gene Yaw (r-23rd), on the latest issues in Harrisburg, then Lynn Hall participates in a Pearl Harbor history discussion

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23rd, Loyalsock), on the latest issues in Harrisburg, the radar bill, the big wrap-up of activities in Harrisburg, the impeachment trial starting soon, and the Sen. Gordner vacancy. We talked about how the PA House majority change (may) impact the Senate. During open phones, Lynn Hall participates in a Pearl Harbor history discussion. We also argued about Pres. Trump and Pres. Biden

1h 11m
Dec 07, 2022
12/6/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host a vibrant discussion about Stan's call; he says NO to taxpayer funds being used to pay for gender affirming care and surgery.

12/6/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host a vibrant discussion about Stan's call; he says NO to taxpayer funds being used to pay for gender affirming care and surgery. We discuss the US Supreme Court hearing arguments on the free speech/LGBTQ/Graphic Designer case.

1h 12m
Dec 06, 2022
12/5/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about an Ohio drag show vs. Proud Boys, Pres. Trumps US Constitution remark and the rights of the unborn

12/5/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about an Ohio drag show vs. Proud Boys, Pres. Trumps US Constitution remark and the rights of the unborn

1h 11m
Dec 05, 2022
12/2/22 On The Mark: Mark & Ben host Financial Friday, talking jobless rate, childcare, early learning investment and welcoming the new chairwoman

On The Mark with co-host BEN REICHLEY: ROBERT GARRETT, President, and CEO Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce, and ART THOMAS, Chairman GSVCC, President Meck-Tech and Diversified Construction Inc., and AIMEE BUEHNER, Bowen Agency Realtor, Chairman-Elect of the GSVCC, with their reaction to the latest US and PA jobless numbers., our discussion on the childcare issues having a big impact on the local economy. We say goodbye to Art as chair (he set a very high bar), and we’ll welcome the woman up to the challenge, Aimee Buehner. www.gsvcc.org http://www.gsvcc.org/ During open phones, we discussed the strike at Autoneum in Bloomsburg, the Pres. Biden lobster controversy, US and global energy, and Lance called in about the uselessness of early childhood education.

1h 10m
Dec 02, 2022
12/1/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss the Democratic left, lobsters, illegal immigration/asylum seekers, and Nimrod

12/1/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss the Democratic left, lobsters, illegal immigration/asylum seekers, and Nimrod

1h 12m
Dec 01, 2022
11/30/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host an exit interview with PA Senator John Gordner, the host open phones

11/30/22 On The Mark: Mark Lawrence & Joe McGranaghan host an exit interview with PA Senator John Gordner on his legislative legacy, and the work ahead, the process of finding his replacement, and ‘being passed over for PA Senate leadership.’ During open phones, we discussed the rail strike and Marriage Act.

1h 11m
Nov 30, 2022
WKOK’s exit interview with State Senator John Gordner On WKOK’s On The Mark

11/30/22 On The Mark: Mark Lawrence & Joe McGranaghan host an exit interview with PA Senator John Gordner (R-27th, Berwick, PA Sen. Majority Whip) on his 30-year legislative legacy, and the work ahead, the process of finding his replacement, and ‘being passed over for PA Senate leadership.’

Nov 30, 2022
11/29/22 On The Mark: Joe and Peggy Chamberlain talk about LGBTQ+ issues, Pres. Trump, Pres. Biden, and other national topics

11/29/22 On The Mark: Joe and Peggy Chamberlain talk about LGBTQ+ issues, Pres. Trump, Pres. Biden, and other national topics

1h 28m
Nov 29, 2022
11/28/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about Pres. Trump, Pres. Biden and their very bad behavior

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan open a set of new themes on the show; discussing gun control after a shooting, asking if Pres. Trump has any racist remarks or tendencies, and is Pres. Biden creepy with young girls. A vibrant discussion follows. We also discuss Pres. Biden's 'semi-automatic weapons' comments, Pres. Trump's meeting with Kanye West and a reputed white supremacist. Trump says he was there to give West advice about how to get out of the plummeting popularity spiral he's in now.

1h 10m
Nov 28, 2022
11/23/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe wrap up with week arguing about PA pay raises, shootings, the 'Died Suddenly' documentary, redistricting/gerrymandering, and COVID/vax.

11/23/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe wrap up with week arguing about PA pay raises, shootings, the 'Died Suddenly' documentary, redistricting/gerrymandering, and COVID/vax.

1h 11m
Nov 23, 2022
11/22/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Joe Kantz and Kevin Hood, then argue endlessly about Jan. 6, antifa, Pres. Trump, Pres. Biden and the debacle with Dems taking over in Harrisburg with dead member

11/22/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Joe Kantz, Chairman, Snyder County Commissioner, North Shore Railroad, and Kevin Hood, Telecommunicator Supervisor, Snyder County, on the CSR 9-1-1 Center, their success, and the importance of 911 telecommunications in general. We talked about their unmet needs, the worker shortage, and we’ll ask ‘what’s next’ in their critical endeavor.  We’ll ask commissioner Kantz about Snyder County government right now, and the opportunities and issues in the county. Then Joe and Mark argue endlessly about Jan. 6, antifa, Pres. Trump, Pres. Biden and the debacle with Dems taking over in Harrisburg with dead members

1h 11m
Nov 22, 2022
11/21/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue politics, presidents, and the many investigations the GOP can't wait to start in Washington

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan argue politics, presidents, and the many investigations the GOP can't wait to start in Washington. Republicans say they'll be probing the real origin of COVID-19, Hunter Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Adam  Schiff's behavior, the US pullout of Afghanistan, and the US/Southern Border/Immigration debacle.

1h 10m
Nov 21, 2022
11/17/22 On The Mark: Joe and Steve K. wrap up their week with Joe interrupting and Steve trying to get a word in...

Topics included Pres. Trump, the democrats, the GOP, McCarthy, Pelosi, Trump, abortion, democracy, Republic, and Steve's good manners.

1h 11m
Nov 17, 2022
11/16/22 On The Mark: Joe and Steve Kusheloff argue about Pres. Trump's run for president, and Joe's distain for Trump

11/16/22 On The Mark: Joe and Steve Kusheloff argue about Pres. Trump's run for president, and Joe's distain for Trump

1h 10m
Nov 16, 2022
11/15/22 On The Mark: Joe and Steve Kusheloff discuss the latest national and local issues, and the mid-term elections

Joe McGranaghan and Steve Kusheloff discuss the latest national and local issues, and the mid-term elections, abortion, election security and Pres. Trump's big announcement.

1h 10m
Nov 15, 2022
11/14/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe are back together with their analysis of mid-term elections, and some appreciative listeners

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan start to wind down the election response with words about what voters really, which seems to be less extreme positions, fewer MAGA candidates, fewer Pres. Trump candidates, fewer restrictions on abortion and better government.

1h 12m
Nov 14, 2022
11/11/22 On The Mark: Mark & Ben host two GOP strategists and ask, 'What's wrong with the GOP...they can't win?'

Mark Lawrence & Ben Reichley host two GOP strategists and ask, 'What's wrong with the GOP...they can't win?' __ __

1h 12m
Nov 11, 2022
11/8/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Prof. Brantley Gasaway on the intersection (collision?) of religion and politics, then raucous open phones

11/8/22 On The Mark: Mark Lawrence & Joe McGranaghan host BRANTLEY GASAWAY, Professor of Religious Studies, Bucknell University, calls in with his insights on the political division in the US, the bitter mid-term election battles, and  ‘Christian Nationalist’ movement that is an integral part of the conversation about gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano’s (R) campaign. We got his view of conservative’s glomming onto the Christian theme, but not necessarily throwing their full support behind candidate Sen. Mastriano and other far right candidates. We talked about the political battle between religion and evil, far right and far left candidates, and why the electorate is so glad to pick sides. During open phones, we continued our conversation about religion and politics, Sen. Mastriano, Dr. Oz' Muslim faith, Josh Shapiro's Jewish faith, Gov. Rendell (Jewish) and Milton Shapp (Jewish).

1h 13m
Nov 08, 2022