Grandpa Bill's Guide to Wellness and Entrepreneurship
AUG 12, 2023
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Hold on tight as I, Grandpa Bill, take you on a rollercoaster ride through my prosaic yet fascinating life. With an upcoming cataracts operation on the horizon, I'll share with you how the essentiality of a good night's sleep and plenty of naps becomes all the more critical. We'll also chat about my dental tribulations and the miraculous products I've been using courtesy of my dear friend Michael King. Plus, I'll let you in on my daily routine and introduce you to two golden opportunities - CTFO and 7K Metals that are the hot topics on my business show. Look forward to a hearty conversation with my next in-studio guest, Antonia, scheduled on the 11th.

Here's something to tickle your nostalgic bones - a trip 13 years back to Wise Choice Market, the setting of one of my earliest podcast interviews. Wrapped in the memories of yore, I'll introduce you to the Caldwell Collection of organic, naturally fermented vegetables. Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of sauerkraut, beets, carrots and red cabbage, and the health benefits they offer. With a private video for our privileged customers and a free PDF book laden with scrumptious recipe ideas, we aim to promote a healthy lifestyle. What's more, every ingredient used in our products is certified organic, ensuring nothing but the best for you. Join me for an engrossing chat about these topics and more.

BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour on Spotify
Creative Solutions for Holistic Healthcare Products Distribution. Food for The Mind, Body, and Soul.
