Great, easy and flexible classroom activities.
FEB 22, 2023
Description Community

Host Leanne McMahon has a long awaited discussion with Maths educator and former AMSI Schools Mathematics Advisor Cass Lowry about great Maths activities that are flexible enough to be done in the classroom, in hybrid mode or via remote learning. This conversation took place when schools were moving to remote learning daily and teachers needed to be able to switch easily and without taking hours in preparation.

The activities are as timely today as they were then and Cass gives some fabulous ideas on how they can be used in both primary and secondary settings.

Cass can be contacted via Twitter @Cass_Lowry

Contact us on with any comments, queries or suggestions

Remote and Classroom Learning Resources

 Which one doesn’t belong? A shapes book ~ Christopher Danielson (2016) Stenhouse Publishers








Great Maths Instructional Videos
