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Episode 2504:
Christian Finn from challenges the popular belief that fasted weight training is detrimental to muscle growth and performance. Finn argues that the body's glycogen stores are sufficient to fuel high-intensity workouts during fasting periods, and with the right dietary approach, muscle can still be gained. He addresses common concerns and offers insights into optimizing fasted training for muscle growth and fat loss.
Read along with the original article(s) here:
Quotes to ponder:
"Lifting weights, sprinting, doing CrossFit WODS, and other high-intensity activities all depend on carbs for fuel. If you perform any of these activities during (or worse, at the end of) your fast, your performance will suffer."
"Fasted weight training is not the catabolic, performance-sapping menace that many claim. A bout of strength training, even when it’s done during a fasted period, will still lead to muscle being gained."
"As long as the right dietary boxes are being ticked, muscle will still be gained whether weight training is done in a fasted or non-fasted state."
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