The Results of the Senate Race in Pennsylvania, Whether the GOP Will Win Control of the House, and Trump’s Appointment of Susi Wiles as the First Female White House Chief of Staff
NOV 09, 2024
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Andrew, Tom, and Emily Jashinsky, Washington correspondent for UnHerd, discuss the results of the Senate race in Pennsylvania, whether the GOP will win control of the House, and Trump’s appointment of Susi Wiles as the first female White House chief of staff. They also talk about legacy media’s reaction to the rise of podcasting and alternative sources of news and information, and Democratic explanations for why white women voted for Trump. Next, Tom Bevan talks to Richard Porter about Trump’s options for filling his cabinet and the final vote in Illinois. And finally, Andrew Walworth talks to Mike Leon, host of podcast “Can We Please Talk,” about why Trump improved his numbers among Hispanic voters in 2024 and what Democrats can do to win back this key voting bloc.