We're ranking The Undertaker's Top 10 Rivals of all tiz-iiiime on a brand new episode of Talking Taker! Join wrestling superfans Alex Doriot and Travis White on their encyclopedic exploration digging up The Dead Man as they rank and debate The Phenom's most fantastic foes. We've both made up our lists and we take turns arguing which 10 of Taker's opponents truly stand out from the rest. Some of our picks are bound to surprise and stir up some controversy, so we'd love to hear from all of you in the Pod Street Krew about who makes your list. We'll read some of your comments plus share our honorable mentions and the rivalries we wish had lasted a little bit longer that could have made our list if they did. Plus we'll also discuss this month's Undertaker Sightings including Travis's trip to Smackdown, Omos's special connection with Taker, and the 25 year anniversary of the most iconic Hell In A Cell match ever. Download, enjoy, and Taker Easy!
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