Faith Church Indy

Faith Church Indy


Together, the people of Faith seek to connect with God, each other, and our needy world. Through biblical preaching and teaching, passionate worship, deep friendships, and a focus on loving and serving, our mission is to declare the glory of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

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631 episodes

Restore Us To Yourself, O Lord

For the first time, the suffering people speak for themselves, but there’s no “closure” – just the first steps beyond suffering in silence towards perspective and hope. How does this final poem help us identify and express our suffering? What hope is there in “raw” prayers like the one offered in Lamentations 5? Join us as we cry out “Restore us to yourself, O God.”

Mar 27
Cut for Time: Restore Us To Yourself, O Lord

We chat about how the book of Lamentations ends and our desire for resolution.

Mar 27
Cut for Time: Exile No Longer

Pastor Joey covers what he had to cut for time on Sunday and we talk more about recognizing anniversaries of losses.

Mar 21
Exile No Longer

After the preacher’s call to prayer and his modeling of confession and repentance, we would expect the congregation to respond with their own voice, putting their grief, their guilt, and their grievance into their own prayer. But they need time, so the preacher re-narrates the siege and fall of Jerusalem, brining past pain into the light. He’s not just indulging in maudlin memories, he’s bringing the time for dwelling on the past to a close. It’s time to look to the future in hope of what God will do! Join us for “Exile No Longer” from Lamentations 4:1-22.

Mar 18
Cut for Time: Pray Like This...

Pastor Joey shares his favorite "sad books" or biographies on grief to help give us language to grieve in the same way.

Mar 13
Pray Like This...

After sharing his own personal reflections from his past experiences of grief, the pastor becomes preacher, shifting into sermon mode. He wants to help the congregation take responsibility for their unfaithfulness, so he models a prayer of repentance they can use. His own experience, and his own prayers, become the pattern in which the congregation can learn to express their guilt and their anger to God, in their own words. Join us as we learn to “Pray Like This…” from Lamentations 3:25-66.

Mar 13
Cut for Time: The Wounded Healer

Pastor Jeff shares how he has been preparing for this series in his own time and gives an overview of our care ministry at Faith Church and how you can get the help that you need.

Mar 06
Cut for Time: The Wounded Healer

At the center of Lamentations, the focus and the structure shift. The narrator recounts his personal experience of suffering – what if felt like, and what his suffering seemed to tell him about God. But for the first time there’s hope – the narrator also remembers God’s kindness, love, and faithfulness, and he becomes a source of hope for others. It’s a patten we can emulate in our suffering. Join us as we look at “The Wounded Healer” from Lamentations 3:1-33.

Mar 04
Cut for Time: The Wrecked and the Wrecker

Pastor Jeff and Claire are joined by Karl Pohl, Director of Worship to answer questions about new songs that are introduced this Lenten season.

Feb 28
The Wrecked and The Wrecker

It’s one thing to suffer hurts, losses, and griefs – but what do we do when it feels like God is the one who’s caused the pain? Where do we turn? Join us as we explore how lament helps give voice to our pain in “The Wrecked and the Wrecker” from Lamentations 2.

Feb 26
Cut for Time: How Lonely Sits the City

Pastor Joey shares background on the book of Lamentations because he had to cut it from the sermon and answers questions from our congregation.

Feb 21
How Lonely Sits the City

In a world beset by griefs, how do followers of Jesus learn to faithfully and appropriately bring these griefs to God? Or are we being unfaithful when we tell God we hurt? Is God big enough to handle our pain? These questions and more are at the core of our Lenten series through Lamentations. Join us as we begin the healing process of rehearsing our griefs before God, as study Lamentations 1:1-22, “How Lonely Sits the City.”

Feb 19
Ash Wednesday Service 2024

Start this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior.

Feb 16
Cut for Time: The Blasphemy

Pastor Joey just preached the final sermon of this Acts sub-series so he wraps it up for us as we transtion into the season of Lent and studying Lamentations.

Feb 14
The Blasphemy | Acts 12:20-24

At first glance, this story seems unnecessary. Herod Agrippa has only just come on the scene, and already Luke narrates his demise? But there are fascinating contrasts between this story and the previous one—most interestingly, contrasting how the Church responds to Herod’s oppression and how the people of Tyre and Sidon respond. Ultimately, Herod’s power is nothing compared to God’s, and the Church continues to flourish in spite of opposition. So join us as we study “The Blasphemy” from Acts 12:20-25!

Feb 12
Cut for Time: The Deliverance

Pastor Joey answered rapid fire questions while under a time crunch for recording, and, of course, did a great job. Listen in to hear what others from our congregation are asking!

Feb 07
The Deliverance | Acts 12:1-19

After following the action to Antioch, this week we’re back in Jerusalem. Public sentiment has turned against the Jesus Movement, and local authorities aren’t above capitalizing on public opinion to bolster their own political ambitions. With one apostle killed and another imprisoned, is the church in Jerusalem about to be destroyed? What will God do next to rescue his people? Find out as we explore “The Deliverance” in Acts 12:1-19!

Feb 05
Cut For Time: The Church

Pastor Jeff speaks on the encouragement we can receive from Barnabus and learn more about the church in Antioch.

Jan 31
The Church | Acts 11:19-30

The good news of Messiah Jesus has spread beyond Jewish believers to the Gentiles, and now to the birth of a cross-cultural, multi-ethnic church in Antioch. That congregation becomes the center of gospel expansion to the Roman world. Why? What makes them so unique and important that we can learn from? Join us as we look at “The Church” from Acts 11:19-30.

Jan 30
Cut for Time: The Report

Jeff and Claire stumble on new insight to the passage while having their conversation on the passage Acts 11:1-18.

Jan 24
The Report | Acts 11:1-18

We hear again that God welcomes Gentiles into the community of his people. Why does this offend the Jewish believers? What convinces them that God has done something they need to accept and adjust to? And what does that have to do with us? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Report” from Acts 11:1-18.

Jan 23
Cut for Time: The Gentiles

Cut for Time is back from the holiday break! On Sunday, Pastor Joey promised he'd cover a few things he didn't have time to deep dive, such as speaking in tongues. Listen to his thoughts about the topic and more about what he didn't get to include in this episode!

Jan 18
The Gentiles | Acts 10:34-48

When last we looked at the adventures of the early church, we were with Peter in Caesarea, on the coast, after he experienced a revelatory vision from God teaching him that no one is outside the reach of God’s grace. Immediately after, messengers from a Roman soldier named Cornelius showed up, saying Cornelius too had received a vision with instructions to get Peter! How does the story end? Find out as the church expands to “The Gentiles” in Acts 10:34-48!

Jan 15
Comfort One Another

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica about the return of Jesus in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18, he didn’t bring up that particular teaching just because he thought it was a good topic for them to brush up on—he brought it up because belief in the return of Jesus is a profound comfort to us when we are facing loss and grief. This weekend we’ll suspend resuming our Acts series to spend Sunday morning finding comfort, that we may not grieve as those without hope.

Jan 08
Redeeming the Woman at the Well

In this one-week break between Advent and the new year, we’re going to shift gears for a bit and study one of the best-known stories from Jesus’s life: his conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well near Sychar. As we peel back the layers of history and culture, we’ll come to see this interaction with fresh eyes and to find out how we, too, can engage with people who don’t know Jesus. Join us this weekend for “Redeeming the Woman at the Well” from John 4:5-30, 39!

Dec 31, 2023
Why Jesus?

Why the name "Jesus?" What does it mean to us and how does knowing it make us respond differently to our savior on Christmas? By listening or watching, we love that you've joined us in celebration and worship during our Christmas Eve service!

Dec 26, 2023
Why Celebrate?

This time of year we hear all kinds of messages telling us to “get in the holiday spirit” and enjoy “the hap-happiest time of the year.” Christmas comes with all kinds of hopes, desires, and expectations. Does it ever seem forced – maybe even overwhelming – with the cold weather, long nights, and everything we’re supposed to do and feel? Join us as we answer “Why Celebrate?” from Luke 2:1-14.

Dec 26, 2023
Why the Virgin Birth?

It’s almost Christmas! And this week, we’re tackling our third big question of our “Why Christmas?” series, “Why the Virgin Birth?” There’s been a lot of confusion around this teaching over the centuries, so this week, we’re going to go back to the basics. Does it matter that Jesus was born supernaturally, without a father involved? How does this teaching relate to our salvation? And does it matter that the rest of the New Testament doesn’t really mention it? We’ll dig into all of that and more this weekend when we study Matthew 1:18-25 together!

Dec 19, 2023
Why the incarnation?

“Emmanuel,” one of the names given to Jesus, means “God with us.” But what does it mean for God to be with us, and for him to be with us in the person of Jesus? That’s the teaching called the “Incarnation,” and it is foundational to everything we believe about Christmas. But did Christmas have to happen this way? Join us for “Why the Incarnation?” from Luke 1:26-35!

Dec 11, 2023
Why do we need a savior?

As the calendar turns to December and our hearts turn toward Christmas, we are diving into our advent series “Why Christmas?” to take a theological look at our deep need for a savior and the gift of grace that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The first question we’ll be taking a look at is “Why do we need a savior?” Join us as we study Luke 1:5-17 and unpack the story of creation and the hope that exists in Jesus despite our broken situation.

Dec 04, 2023