First Baptist Owasso

First Baptist Church Owasso


We exist to love all people to Christ and equip them on their journey with God and one another. We believe Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and the church is His plan for sharing that hope with the world. Every week, from the First Baptist Owasso, we explore the Word of God to strengthen our faith, draw near to Him, and deepen our love for one another.

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270 episodes

Resurrection for the World

Chris Wall • John 20:11-16 The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. It is revolutionary. It transforms our perspective and defines our mission. It brings a radical shift in the life of every person who comes to faith in the power of this good news. What is your mission? How has the empty tomb influenced you?

Apr 01, 2024
Redemption for the World

Chris Wall • John 19:16-37 In this passage, John highlights four direct messianic prophecies that took place on the cross completely outside of the prophets control. Christ completed the work of redemption on the cross. In verse 30, Jesus says, “It is finished” or “It has been accomplished”. On the cross, the penalty of sin has been completely served. The price of redemption is completely paid. The justice of God is completely satisfied. The deliverance of sinners is completely secured. You can be confident in who Jesus is. You can be confident in what He has done. You can be confident in what He is doing. It is passion week – who will you point to Jesus this week?

Mar 25, 2024
Judged for the World

Chris Wall • John 18-28:40 The suffering Jesus reveals several important truths we must not miss. It reveals the wickedness of our sin. It speaks to our inability to stand rightly before God in our own power. The mistreatment of Jesus reveals the graciousness of God as He was willing to take on Himself the punishment we deserve. In this passage, you also see an important human tendency shared by all people: this natural tendency to reject God and His plan for us. Our human nature is inherently sinful and because of this sin, we want to live in control of our own lives and our own destiny. In all honesty, the greatest threat and most significant problem for every person born into this world is lostness. The cruelty of the cross offers a vivid picture of the nastiness and devastation of sin. Every person born desperately needs to be changed from the outside in. This is a work of God, not a work of man which has been proclaimed to the world, even from the mouths of fools.

Mar 18, 2024
Arrested for the World

Misael Gonzalez • John 18:1-14 When you learn about big events in world history, no one can deny how the crucifixion of Christ stands as the key focal point for humanity. Before the Cross of Christ, humanity was obligated to sacrifice their best for their worst. But through the Cross, God demonstrated that it was not about our best, but HIS BEST! Let the journey to the Cross begin.

Mar 11, 2024
One Question at a Time

Chris Wall • John 3:14-36 One question at a time – Lostness is the greatest human problem while faith in Christ alone remains the only means to cure that problem. Coming to grips with salvation by faith is a core biblical teaching. Many today still follow the idea that one can earn their own way to eternity. Nicodemus was baffled by this news that even he needed to be saved from his sin. Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Whoever comes will be born again. After that new birth takes place, the Holy Spirit starts to produce supernatural works producing radical change.

Mar 04, 2024
One Leader at a Time

Chris Wall • John 3:1-13 Salvation comes when a person is “Born again”. The principles in this conversation with Nicodemus are clear. Religious credentials are not sufficient to save a person from the wrath of God. New Birth is the only way a person can experience the hope of eternal life. Still to this day, many are confused about the path to eternal life. Many still try to do more good than bad trying to somehow earn their way to heaven. Nicodemus came to realize that even his religious fervor could not transform him from the inside out. His religious effort could not bridge the gap to God. He needed Jesus. He needed to be born again. Do you know that you are going to heaven? Are you born again?

Feb 26, 2024
One Conflict at a Time

Stoney Hurst • John 2:13-22 Many of our thoughts and ideas of who Jesus was/is have been shaped by our culture and our desires of who we want Him to be. Often, when we create our own ideas of who Jesus is, we reduce Him to a very passive individual stripped of many of His divine attributes. John 2:13-25 gives us a prominent picture of the power that Jesus possesses and the zeal He has for true worship. A. W. Tozer once said, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." John writes this Gospel so we will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. To believe, we must accept the truth about who He truly is. We must have a proper understanding of who Christ was. Who do you believe Jesus is? Do you believe He is truly the only begotten Son of God?

Feb 19, 2024
One Party at a Time

Chris Wall • John 2:1-11 Jesus and his disciples have been invited to a wedding. Jesus’ mother seems to be involved, so it may be a wedding of a family member or friend. As they arrive, the host faces a terribly embarrassing moment, he runs out of wine. In this first century culture, this is a really big deal. To run out of wine is an insult to everyone attending. Jesus loves his mom and she knows he has the power to fix this problem and in this situation, he chose this situation to offer his first earthly miracle revealing His glory and helping the disciples believe. Do you see His Glory in the ability to transform this world? Do you believe in Jesus?

Feb 12, 2024
One Step at a Time

Chris Wall • John 1:43-51 God is faithful to prepare every heart for His Spirit to work. The work of God is not up to us, hence, it is the work of God. At the same time, God invites us to join in with Him like Phillip and Nathanael. The Lord is clearly calling us to “follow Him” living as faithful ambassadors for Christ. We can be confident in this call because God is faithful to work before us, through us, and after us. Philip was faithful to witness to Nathanael. In a similar way, you have been chosen to follow Jesus. You are being transformed by Jesus, and you are called to call others to Jesus. Are you growing as a faithful and bold witness with the gospel? Your walk with God is a remarkable example to the remarkable work of God. Don’t miss it!!!

Feb 05, 2024
The Power of Your Testimony

Chris Wall • John 1:35-42 Andrew was the first disciple to turn to Jesus. He was quick to tell those closest to him what he had seen and heard. After meeting Jesus, Andrew's eyes were opened to who Jesus really was. Jesus was the living Son of God. His life was so transformed, he immediately brought his brother to meet Jesus. Here is an interesting fact about Andrew: Whenever you find Andrew referenced in John’s gospel, he is bringing someone to Jesus. He brings his brother in this passage. He brings the lad with the loaves and fishes in John 6:8. He brings the Greeks who wanted to see Jesus in John 12. When it comes to Andrew, we have no record of him preaching sermons, but we do see him living his life and sharing his testimony one-on-one. Andrew is the best “MY ONE” seeker we see in Scripture. Every follower of Christ is called to notice people and live as a passionate witness for Christ. Our witness should be most effective among the people we know the most. Do you have a “My ONE”? How are you engaging them? Is there anything hindering your witness for Christ? What barriers do you need to overcome?

Jan 29, 2024
The Right Kind of Witness

Chris Wall • John 1:19-34 John the Baptist was the physical forerunner of the Messiah. In response to this curiosity, the religious leaders sent out a group of priests fishing for information on the unique work unfolding before their eyes. John’s life was changed and his message can be summarized in this remarkable statement: “Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Jesus is the Lamb of God who became the worthy sacrifice for your sin and mine. Our guilt no longer remains which enables us to live free from the power and penalty of sin. The Holy Spirit rests on us because the moment you trusted Christ He rests on you and in you. Let’s learn from John’s life and John’s message.

Jan 22, 2024
Revealed to the World

Chris Wall • John 1:1-18 In fact, Jesus is God’s last Word to mankind (Hebrews 1:1-3). According to John, Jesus is the eternal Word. He is the creative Word, and he is the incarnate Word. As the living Word, Jesus entered the world as God in the flesh. He lived an incomparable life resulting in his death and resurrection, proving He was divine. This incarnate revelation of God is an important theme in this gospel pointing to the fullness of grace and the availability of salvation to everyone who would come to the point of repentance.

Jan 16, 2024
Convinced and Convincing

Chris Wall • John 20:30-31 Have you noticed that the most convincing followers of Jesus are those who are most convinced about Jesus? The gospel of John was written by John the Apostle. He was a man who was convinced about Jesus which led to a convincing life and ministry. John was one of the Sons of Thunder. That could have been a description of John’s personal passion or a description of two boys with a passionate mother. We know that John and his mom were present with Jesus all the way through the crucifixion. It is noteworthy that John walked closely with Jesus before and after His resurrection. As we begin our study of the book of John, let’s rub shoulders with this man who was both convinced and convincing about Christ.

Jan 11, 2024
The Lords Supper

Chris Wall

Jan 01, 2024
The Advent of Christ

Chris Wall • 1 Timothy 3:16 Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit,was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

Dec 26, 2023
Love at Christmas

Chris Wall • Ephesians 3:14-21 The Definition of ad·vent [ad-vent] noun 1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday season. 2. the coming of Christ into the world. 3. the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world. 4. Second Coming. Advent during Christmas reveals the breadth, length, height, and depth of Christ’s love for you and for me. When Christ entered the world, the love of God came to dwell among us ultimately indwelling us. The prayer of Paul in Ephesians 3 is uniquely beautiful enabling the love of God that surpasses knowledge to become actually knowable. We often hear the words: Jesus Loves Me. This Christmas, I pray you come to know the Love of Christ in a personal way.

Dec 18, 2023
Peace at Christmas

Chris Wall • Romans 5:1-11 The Definition of ad·vent [ad-vent] noun 1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday season. 2. the coming of Christ into the world. 3. the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world. 4. Second Coming. The Christmas season shows us how God is present with us bringing lasting PEACE through thick and thin, highs and lows, good times and bad. When Christ entered the world, He brought a personal and lasting peace to every believer walking them through every circumstance. Romans 5:1-11 reveals the incredible benefit that came to us because Christ entered the world offering the gift of lasting PEACE.

Dec 11, 2023
Hope at Christmas

Chris Wall • Romans 1:8-17 The Definition of ad·vent [ad-vent] noun 1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday season. 2. the coming of Christ into the world. 3. the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world. 4. Second Coming. The Christmas season shows us how God is present with us bringing lasting HOPE through His people.

Dec 04, 2023
The Church Established

Chris Wall • Matthew 16:13-20 It is the unity of the church that helps the world recognize Christ is Lord (John 17). It is the gathered church where the only hope for the nations is found (Matthew 28). It is the gathered church the gates of hell will not defeat (Matthew 16). It is the church where Jesus builds a living body put into action impacting society (1 Corinthians 12).

Nov 28, 2023
Ambassadors for Christ

Chris Wall • 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 One of the core values of our church articulates our call by God to be His Ambassadors. God has called us to this place at this time in redemption history. The greatest problem for every human being is lostness and God has entrusted to us this ministry of reconciliation that has radically transformed our lives. We are called to push one another to be faithful ambassadors for Christ communicating through our lives and our mouths the only hope of salvation – a reconciled life through Christ. Are you the right kind of Ambassador for Christ? What is getting in the way?

Nov 20, 2023
Foolish Things

Chad Balthrop • 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Some people are thinkers. They make plans. Ask them to go with the flow, they’ll ask what time the flow starts. Other people are feelers. They follow their gut. They may not go where they’re expected, but they frequently end up where they’re needed. Thinker or feeler, everyone makes the best decision they can based on the information available at the time. But what happens when what we know turns out to be wrong? What do you do when your experience fails to meet your expectations? Whose word will you trust? For those who are being saved, the foundation of every experience, the basis for timeless truth, is found in the most seemingly foolish thing of all…the word of the cross.

Nov 13, 2023
Christ Alone

Chris Wall • Mark 10:32-45 One of the core values of our church is that we worship Christ Alone. Our focus in this community is not to communicate our brand, our social media platform, or our pastoral personalities. Our goal is to exalt the name of Christ and point the world to the real hope of salvation available to all who would come to Him.

Nov 08, 2023
Called to Serve

Special Guest- Dr. Todd Fisher Executive Director/Treasurer of Oklahoma Baptists.

Oct 30, 2023
Unexpected Answers to Prayer

Chris Wall • Acts 12:1-19 Most people would say prayer is an important activity. But, let’s be honest, do you really think God hears your prayers and responds to the things you bring to Him? What about those times when you pray and the answer that comes is unexpected? Is that normal? How do you process it? How can you understand God’s will versus your will? Here are two truths revealed in the Word of God: God sees every trial you go through. He hears and responds to every prayer you pray. You simply need the church to help you work through it.

Oct 23, 2023
Daily Ambassadors

Chris Wall • Luke 24:48-49 A core value of our church is to embrace the calling to be Ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20 tells us that God is powerfully making an appeal to salvation through our lives. These days are challenging and now more than ever, people around us need to hear the call to salvation through believers experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you living with power? It is available to you right now.

Oct 16, 2023
Eliminating Worry

Chris Wall • Luke 12:22-34 As a disciple following Jesus, there are many reasons to grow a genuine trust in Christ regardless of the circumstances. Is worry paralyzing your life and your walk with God? Seeking the Lord in a vibrant and growing walk with God is your greatest resource for the elimination of worry. As a church growing to be everyday disciples, today we are going to learn how to eliminate worry.

Oct 09, 2023
Learning to Pray

Special Guest Felix Cabrera

Oct 02, 2023
Standing to the End

Chris Wall • Daniel 8:15-19 God never intended for us to immerse ourselves in prophecy as an end to itself. It was intended to change us. If you don't become a practical, down-to-earth, daily Christian after studying prophecy, you've missed the whole purpose of it.

Sep 25, 2023
Measure Up

Chad Balthrop • Revelation 20:11-15 Would you rather be judged by the worst thing you did on the worst day of your life or the best thing you did on the best day of your life? Is it ever possible to really measure up? It’s true for everyone. When I’m wrong, I want mercy. When you’re wrong, I want justice. There is a Righteous Judge. He delivers grace, satisfies justice, and makes all things new. Judgment is coming. For Believers, every wrong will be redeemed, and every right will be rewarded. For those who reject the Redeemer, every wrong will be revealed, and every wrong-doer will receive their just reward. Are you ready? Justice will be satisfied in you or at the foot of the cross.

Sep 18, 2023
The Watchmen

Chris Wall • Ezekiel 33:1-33 All believers are called to be faithful gospel witnesses to the places we live, work and play. We can’t leave it to the “professionals.” There aren’t enough of us. [Do some math for them, as in you are one pastor in a town of 50,000—how is one person going to reach 50,000 people or you are 10 pastors in a city of 1 million. How are 10 pastors going to reach 1 million people—that’s one person reaching 100,000 people. We need everyone in the game. We need 10,000 believers reaching five people each or 100,000 believers reaching 10 people each.] The Bible says God used “uneducated, common men” (Acts 4:13) like the disciples to launch His mission of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. God placed each of us in this place for this time to be His outposts.

Sep 12, 2023