we ought to be fearful of disobeying lest any one of you be judged to have lost his chance of entering
When Christ came as high priest of the good things which have come to be, he entered once for all into the sanctuary
“You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
See to it that no man falls away from the grace of God
When he says, “a new covenant,” he declares the first one obsolete.
The former commandment has been annulled because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law brought nothing to perfection.
By your death raise us to life.
You saved me from my furious foes.
Jesus, our forerunner, has passed beyond the veil on our behalf; he has become a high priest for ever
Lord, renew us in your Spirit.
Good and faithful servant enter into the joy of your Lord.
Holy God, raise us up to new life in holiness.
The Lord delivered his people from the oppressor.
The Lord is slow to anger and rich in kindness
We ought to go up and seize the land, for we can certainly do so...
Here's why I decided to change the name. But I'm not changing the mission!
Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!
If God is love, charity should know no limit, for God cannot be confined.
May the word of Christ dwell among us in all its richness.