The Nicole Sandler Show

Nicole Sandler


Nicole Sandler has worked in radio her entire adult life. After a successful career in music radio in NY and Los Angeles (WPLJ, KLOS, KSCA and others), she returned to talk radio to host mornings on then-progressive talk WINZ/Miami. After a flip to sports, she moved to Air America Radio for a nightly show. When AAR went off the air on Jan 21, 2010, Nicole Sandler moved online where she continues to question authority daily at

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5064 episodes

20240329 Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show

Every Friday is a good Friday here because Marcy Wheeler is our guest for the whole hour, recapping most of the important news of the week. Today we touch on the Ronna NotRomney McDaniel/NBC News mess, the latest Trump trial news, Trump financial issues and gag orders, the Supreme Extreme Court, Julian Assange and Hunter Biden too... And we wish Marcy Wheeler a very happy birthday too! --- Send in a voice message:

1h 0m
Mar 29, 2024
20240328 Thursdays with Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-28-24

Today is Thursday, so we have our weekly get-together with Howie Klein of and the Blue America PAC. Last week, you may recall, Howie brought along a guest --Jersey City Mayor and already declared-candidate for NJ Governor in 2025 Steven Fulop. The conversation concerned the race to replace corrupt Sen Bob Menendez from NJ. Fulop had reversed his endorsement of Tammy Murphy (wife of NJ's current governor who's being term limited out of office) in favor of Congressman Andy Kim. Hmm, Murphy dropped out of the race just a couple of days later.... Today, among other stories, I'll ask Howie about his experience with the former senator/would-be spoiler (via No Labels), and why his VP candidacy with Al Gore at the top of the ticket was the first time Howie didn't vote for the Democrats in a presidential election. --- Send in a voice message:

1h 9m
Mar 28, 2024
20240327 Disinformation Nation with Barbara McQuade on the Nicole Sandler Show

This time she really will be here! I confirmed it. And I spent all day yesterday rebuilding my studio so I think I've exorcised the gremlins, at least for a little while. I hope... Barbara McQuade is a former US Attorney, professor at the University of Michigan Law School, co-hosts the #sistersinlaw podcast, and is an MSNBC legal expert. On top of all that, she just released a new book, ATTACK FROM WITHIN: HOW DISINFORMATION IS SABOTAGING AMERICA. We get to talk under the backdrop of NBC pulling back their offer to former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to be a paid analyst after an uproar from staff and the public. --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 27, 2024
20240326 Nicole Sandler Show - Celebrating Women with Amy Simon

We cannot let the month of March - Women's History Month - end without a visit from Cultural HERstorian Amy Simon, creator of "She's History: The Most Dangerous Women in America Then and Now" and its various incarnations over the years. So Amy is here today to shine a light on some of our unsung heroines. It's fitting on the day that the Supreme Extreme Court heard the case the could roll back women's bodily autonomy rights to the stone age... But first, Rachel Maddow must have heard my pleas yesterday, and called out NBC News and MSNBC management for their sick and truly dangerous hiring of Ronna Not-Romney McDaniel and normalization of the fascists trying to overturn our democracy! --- Send in a voice message:

1h 0m
Mar 26, 2024
20240325 It's F&#king Monday with The F&#king News on the Nicole Sandler Show

Despite our wishes for an endless weekend, Monday has again arrived. And with it, lots of F&#king News! So in the tradition of Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki and Jon Stewart, Jonathan Larsen is here every Monday morning to tell us wtf is going on. A few things in the f&#king news today: Ronna McDaniel NBC kerfuffel, TFG in a NY courtroom, penalty payment day has arrived, no government shutdown this time, motion to vacate again, SCOTUS hears the mifepristone case this week.... I could go on, but you should just listen... --- Send in a voice message:

1h 6m
Mar 25, 2024
20240322 Nicole Sandler Show - Emptywheel Fridays

Marcy Wheeler reports the important news daily at[0]=AT3j3g0gekqb95KCujMdiKjMkCT02sEyugXFXGL3TahPIn-PHajEj3Qa-vqnWBnCn70lK2ift-1V27yIZqkpVPwly6hXG3Oj3YLVfyOW7soijkMIRcYVdMXr_FB6bXnDA53KjBkqjQp_U5YoYAkPPY-vXty-LjniEONVrFskQXFxoQlL3sHqUA She joins me on Friday's to recap what the highlights (and lowlights) from the week. Today, the latest Comer farce impeachment inquiry hearings and the various pending cases against him. Plus NBC News' latest hire and more... --- Send in a voice message:

1h 2m
Mar 22, 2024
20240321 Thursdays with Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-21-24

Howie Klein of has done a weekly segment with me on this show for more than a dozen years now. We mostly talk politics, often music and occasionally other subjects too. And fairly regularly, Howie brings along a guest. It's usually one of the Blue America-endorsed candidates, but today's guest is slightly different. Steven Fulop is the Mayor of Jersey City. Tonight he'll deliver his 11th State of the City address. He's already announced his candidacy for NJ Governor; that election happens in November of 2025. So you might ask, "why today?". Well, that has to do with his endorsement in the race to replace corrupt Senator Bob Menendez (who hasn't yet announced whether he'll run for re-election. I think it's a safe bet to say if he did, he'd lose, badly.). Anyway, Mayor Fulop this week withdrew his endorsement of Tammy Murphy, the wife of NJ's current Democratic Governor Phil Murphy, and threw his support to Congressman Andy Kim. We'll discuss that and a lot more. But we open the show with a big breaking news story for which I must thank AG Merrick Garland! I'm vindicated in my dislike of Apple products as the DOJ filed an antitrust suit against them for their monopolistic practices, especially concerning iPhones! It's about damn time! --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 21, 2024
20240320 Fighting Mad on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-20-24

FIGHTING MAD: RESISTING THE END OF ROE V. WADE is the title of a new book of essays about the recent SCOTUS decision in Dobbs overturning a 50-year precedent that gave women "reproductive autonomy". One of the editors, Krystale E. Littlejohn guests today to showcase the wide range of experts fighting back for our rights. The title FIGHTING MAD also works when describing the Democrats who sat through another ridiculous episode of the GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden this morning which was more of a circus than a hearing, deeply embedded in opposite world. --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 20, 2024
20240319 The First Day of Spring(steen) & Jason Leopold Too on the Nicole Sandler Show

Today ushers in the first day of Spring! It's only fitting that it's also the first day of the rebooted Bruce SPRINGsteen tour, and it's kicking off in Phoenix. It is Bruce so of course I'll be there. Yes, I'm giddy. There's nothing like a Springsteen concert! I'm glad today's guest is a fellow music lover. JASON LEOPOLD's seeing him in LA on April 4... but he's not here to talk Bruce today. These days the man who's been dubbed the "FOIA Terrorist" by our government just launched "The FOIA Files," a weekly newsletter through Bloomberg News, for whom Jason is now working. I had invited Jason on the show to promote the newsletter. But when I reached out to him about it last week, he was in an undisclosed location working on a big story, using only burner phones. He'll give us the scoop today... but it has to do with the story I told you about on Friday with Marcy Wheeler about the FBI agents in Florida who served Trump the search warrant at Mar A Largo and were not very happy about it. (Houston I think we have a big problem). --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 19, 2024
20240318 Democracy with Jamie Raskin on the Nicole Sandler Show

The 2024 presidential election is in full swing. My husband David and I were fortunate enough to be at a Biden-Harris event in Tempe, AZ yesterday where the featured speaker was our favorite member of Congress, JAMIE RASKIN I hope to have him on the show sometime soon for a real interview, but we got to say hello, shake his hand, take a photo and hear him speak for about 30 minutes. It was one of the best political speeches I've ever attended, and he did it extemporaneously - no notes, no teleprompter. Just his quick wit and brilliant mind. I started recording his speech and let it roll for the whole thing. It was so brilliant that I'm going to share the whole thing with you today. After hearing from Congressman Raskin, we'll check in to see what's happening in my former state of Florida with my old friend HILLARY KEYES, who's trying to keep some blue in that place... --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 18, 2024
20240315 Emptywheel Friday and an Overtime Salute to Angela McCluskey on the Nicole Sandler Show

Fridays are special aside from the obvious reasons. MARCY WHEELER, an independent journalist who covers legal and national security issues better than the corporate media at, is our standing date to wrap up every week. Today we'll talk about the breaking news out of Fulton County, GA where Fani Willis will remain on the case as long as Nathan Wade doesn't, from NY where DA Alvin Bragg agreed to a 30-day postponement in TFG's fraud trial that was supposed to begin in 10 days, to the Aileen Cannon court in Florida where she's doing Trump's bidding in the stolen classified documents case, to the Robert Hur House Judiciary Committee hearing and more. Yes, it was a busy week... Today, I'll once again go into overtime. Last week we covered the State of the Union address. Today, I'll pay tribute to a dear friend and amazing musician who died yesterday. ANGELA MCCLUSKEY's is not a household name, but I've been a fan and friend of hers for coming up on 30 years. She was in a band called WILD COLONIALS who we championed when I worked at KSCA fm 101.9 in Los Angeles in the 90s. I thought I'd share with you a live session from December 9, 1996 when the band joined me on the air for an interview and performance. I hope you'll stick around and enjoy the music and get a feel for Angela's larger-than-life personality, and understand why I'm already missing her. --- Send in a voice message:

1h 41m
Mar 15, 2024
20240314 Thursdays with Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show

It's Thursday, so time for our weekly get-together with HOWIE KLEIN of & the Blue America PAC This week, both Biden and TFG clinched their party's nominations, so buckle in for a loooonger than our already ridiculously long election season and all that comes with it. There's lots of political news to discuss with Howie today, but I'll certainly save a few minutes to talk about this week's losses (of some amazing musicians)... --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 14, 2024
20240313 Wednesday Wisdom with Digby on the Nicole Sandler Show

Because sometimes you just need to sit with a brilliant friend and shoot the shit about all the craziness in our world. That's how I approach the shows when HEATHER "DIGBY" PARTON our guest. Digby is, of course, one of the OG bloggers of progressive politics. Her blog is still a daily must-read, as are her columns at I love it when Digby is my guest because I truly adore her and love our conversations, which can go in any direction. We never know where it'll go until the interview progresses. Too bad there's nothing big happening in the news to discuss today /sarcasm --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 13, 2024
20240312 Whoops -No Barb McQuade Tuesday on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-12-24

Post-show note from Nicole:Never mind! Time to fire my producer again as she apparently forgot to re-confirm Barb McQuade and send the Zoom link, so Barb will be rescheduled in the next week or two. Time to go flog Nicole again. JFC, you'd think she'd learn by now how to do her job. Legal scholar and analyst Barbara McQuade became known to many of us due to her spot-on punditry on MSNBC and her role in the sistersinlaw podcast. Now she's sharing her expertise -compounded by her past work as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, her private practice, and as a law professor at the University of Michigan Law School in a new book, ATTACK FROM WITHIN: HOW DISINFORMATION IS SABOTAGING AMERICA. --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 12, 2024
20240311 It's Monday Again So We've Got The Fucking News on the Nicole Sandler Show

Mondays. They happen like clockwork every week, coming right after the weekend to put an official end to our fun. So on Mondays, we check in with JONATHAN LARSEN of  to help ease us back into the work week with an irreverent discussion of the serious shit happening in our world. Jonathan joins in at the bottom of the hour... And we check in with SPOCKO who fact checks the crazy rebuttal from Katie Britt who apparently learned one thing from the head of the Republican party: how to lie! While the rest of the nation is struggling after losing an hour yesterday morning for Daylight Savings Time, here in Arizona our clocks stayed on standard time. You'd think that would make me happy, right? Well, I didn't lose an hour of sleep, but I did lose an hour of show prep time! This show still airs from 5-6pm ET/2-3pm PT... That means here in AZ, I hit the air at 2pm instead of 3 each weekday afternoon... I'll try not to be late. --- Send in a voice message:

1h 2m
Mar 11, 2024
20240308 Emptywheel Friday SOTU Edition on the Nicole Sandler Show

I always look forward to Fridays for the obvious reasons: the weekend and Marcy Wheeler!'s Marcy Wheeler and I have a standing date every Friday to discuss the week's happenings in Trump Trial and other national security and other news of importance. Today we speak on the morning after President Joe Biden's State of the Union address, likely the last time before the convention that he'll have the opportunity to speak to the nation and the world. My quick review? He hit it out of the park, exactly what we needed at this juncture. Marcy Wheeler is a self described SOTU fan, so we begin with her thoughts on what happened last night. Of course, we'll also bring you the latest news in insurrectionists, the extreme court, and lots of other somewhat related news to complete the hour. But today is SOTU Bonus day. After Marcy leaves, we'll go into overtime! --- Send in a voice message:

2h 5m
Mar 09, 2024
20240307 Thursdays with Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show

It's been a politically busy week in the US, so we have lots to discuss with Howie Klein of and the Blue America PAC today. Super Tuesday solidified Trump as the Republican nominee with Nikki Haley dropping out. California finalized its two senatorial candidates who'll be vying for Dianne Feinstein's former seat, and Katie Porter isn't one of them (but she did something really stupid after she lost)... What else did we learn from Super Tuesday? I'll ask Howie. And, oh yeah, tonight's the State of the Union. And in case you hadn't heard, Joe Biden is old. /snark. --- Send in a voice message:

1h 3m
Mar 07, 2024
20240306 White Rural Rage with Tom Schaller & Paul Waldman on the Nicole Sandler Show

A new book is out and making waves because it points out an ugly truth about a huge swatch of this nation. Following yesterday's Super Tuesday primaries, the top of the 2024 presidential ticket is now set. It'll be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as if we didn't know that would be the case. What has changed is the political landscape of middle America - or Rural America. TOM SCHALLER, Political Science Professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore and journalist/columnist PAUL WALDMAN co-authored a new book that helps to explain the divide: After a quick recap of yesterday's (and today's) developments, I welcome Tom and Paul back to the show to talk about the ugliness plaguing our country. --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 06, 2024
20240305 SCOTUS Screwed Us with Lisa Graves on the Nicole Sandler Show

Well, they sure took their sweet time to stick a dagger in the heart of democracy and now the Supreme Extreme Court is dragging it's feet before it strikes the death blow. Rather than immediately put us out of (or increase our) misery quickly (like they did in Bush v Gore 2000), they're draaagggging it out another six long weeks. Yes, the court will hear TFG's bullshit case where he's claiming "absolute immunity" for his actions related to the January 6 insurrection that he led! It took the court three weeks just to say they would hear the case (also a horrendous decision), and now they're obviously delaying hearing the case. One can only assume it's to help their dear leader, the twice impeached, orange tinted, failed former occupant of the White House. To add insult to injury, Clarence Thomas - who never should have been confirmed in the first place - refuses to recuse himself, despite overwhelming evidence that his wife, Ginni Thomas, not only participated in the planning of the Jan 6 coup attempt, but was a major instigator and funder of the whole mess. To help us understand this and how the laws have been so perverted, LISA GRAVES returns to the show. Lisa is executive director of True North Research, which investigates and exposes those distorting American democracy and public policy. She then went on to helm the Center for Media and Democracy, the group who gave us ALEC Exposed and who took on and publicly exposed the Koch Brothers. Previously, Graves was Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice in the Office of Legal Policy/Policy Development and served as Chief Counsel for Nominations for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee for Senator Patrick Leahy. --- Send in a voice message:

1h 16m
Mar 05, 2024
20240304 It's F$&cking Monday So Get Your F#^cking News on the Nicole Sandler Show

Making Mondays suck a little less... Mondays come every week, inconveniently at the end of a weekend. It's difficult to make that transition from down time to work time, especially when the work involves the (usually depressing) news. Today is no different! It began with the Supreme/Extreme Court deciding unanimously that TFG will be on the primary ballots, saying that regardless of whether or not Section 3 of the 14th Amendment applies, it's up to Congress to make that call, not the individual states. So, D'ump will be on the Colorado ballot tomorrow and in the other states who had ruled against him. Even with that setback, we'll attempt to make the news fun today as JONATHAN LARSEN, proprietor of will inject humor and snark into his roundup which, today, has lots of new reporting about the GOP's ridiculous impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. --- Send in a voice message:

Mar 04, 2024
20240301 It's Emptywheel Friday on the Nicole Sandler Show

Friday was always my favorite day of the week, and now even more so since we started spending Friday's shows with Marcy Wheeler of Having a tough time keeping all of the Trump trials straight? Somehow, Marcy stays on top of it all. Each week she answers whatever questions I throw at her, and she does it without consulting notes or quick searches. She just covers it all and somehow is able to speak off the cuff about it. Today, we'll talk about the Supreme Court's decision to take up TFG's immunity defense, Hunter Biden's closed door deposition, the status of the documents case in Florida and lots more. Once again, buckle in... these Emptywheel Friday shows are a bumpy ride! --- Send in a voice message:

1h 0m
Mar 01, 2024
20240229 Leap Day Thursday with Howie Klein (the buh bye Moscow Mitch edition) - Nicole Sandler Show

Big news broke yesterday while we were on the air - and I missed it! I didn't see that the Supreme Court finally announced their decision to hear TFG's appeal regarding his ridiculous claims of absolute immunity. So we'll deal with that at the start of the show - and really get into it on Friday's show when Marcy Wheeler is here. The other big news from yesterday was Mitch McConnell's announcement that he'll step down as Senate Minority Leader in November (but will remain in his senate seat). That's something we'll discuss with HOWIE KLEIN today. It's a really important issue when considering what candidates you vote for this year! --- Send in a voice message:

Feb 29, 2024
20240228 She's a Badass, He's Just an Ass - Nicole Sandler Show

**Programming note of frustration. The long-awaited news from the Supreme Court about TFG's appeal of the DC  Circuit Court decision agreeing with the lower court that he has no immunity came down about 20 minutes in to the show today. But because it was live, I didn't see the emailed alert until the show ended. Apparently a couple of people posted it in the YouTube chat room, but I only see a fraction of what's posted during the show. So I missed it. I really do need to hire a producer. We'll deal with it tomorrow...   Yesterday's show about that teenage gang of neo-Nazis indoctrinating even younger kids was so heavy, so I thought we'd lighten the mood a bit today -- after recapping today's news from Mitch McConnell finally stepping down to Hunter Biden sitting for that closed-door deposition and more... And then, my favorite diversion.... music. More specifically Rocking Women! Veteran music journalist KATHERINE YESKE TAYLOR interviewed 20 women who rock for her new book, SHE'S A BADASS: WOMEN IN ROCK SHAPING FEMINISM Rock on!   --- Send in a voice message:

1h 0m
Feb 28, 2024
20240227 Can't Say You Did Nazi This Coming with Jordan Green- Nicole Sandler Show

There's a meme making the rounds  featuring a photo of some Trumper idiot with a swastika and the text "I did Nazi this coming" which I call Bullshit. The Nazis made their presence known in an unmistakable manner in Charlottesville. They regularly display their flags in Florida at Disney World, no less. Just two weekends ago, they marched on Music City, Nashville. JORDAN GREEN, investigative reporter for Raw Story, spent months investigating a heinous group of teenagers who recruit even younger (white) kids to indoctrinate them nice and early. For his troubles, he's been stalked, threatened and worse by these same "kids" who terrorize blacks, Jews, LGBTQ+call and other perceived enemies. They call themselves 2119. Jordan Green joins us today to tell us about his investigation, stories and now his fight to protect his family and himself. Be sure to read the stories he wrote on this subject: ⁠Stalked by Nazis: How extremists tried to stop me from reporting on their violence ⁠⁠Inside the neo-Nazi hate network grooming children for a race war⁠⁠Parents of ‘2119’ Nazi teens haunted by fear and regret Yes, it can - and does happen here! We ended the show today with the latest song from The Marsh Family, a tribute to Alexei Navalny, "Sit for the Road" --- Send in a voice message:

Feb 27, 2024
20240226 It's F%@cking Monday and We Have the F%@king News- Nicole Sandler Show

Grrr, it’s Monday already. I try to escape from the real world on weekends so make an effort to avoid all news if possible. That makes Mondays even worse, as I start early catching up. Thankfully, JONATHAN LARSEN is here each Monday to share his reporting and tell us what went on while I was pretending nothing was happening… Jonathan writes a daily substack to share his work with you. Subscribe at Plus, I ventured out in to the world of AZ politics this weekend and it was a pleasant surprise! --- Send in a voice message:

1h 10m
Feb 26, 2024
20240223 Nicole Sandler Show - Emptywheel Fridays

Marcy Wheeler covers the news at like no other news outlet today. Best of all, she's independent and reader supported, so no corporate overlords or sponsors to please. She just reports truth, an important rarity these days! She joins me every Friday to bring us up to speed on the latest news, somehow keeping all of the players, trials, offenses and the rest of the chaos in Trump world straight. --- Send in a voice message:

1h 2m
Feb 23, 2024
20230222 Nicole Sandler Show - Thursdays with Howie Klein

Howie Klein, the man behind and the Blue America PAC joins me every Thursday for some plain talk about politics. In election years, like this one, we talk a lot about specific races -- many of them where Blue America has endorsed a candidate. Today, Howie wrote about two races whose primaries are in full swing right now -- the CA Senate seat to replace Dianne Feinstein, and Adam Schiff's current congressional seat that he's vacating to run for the open Senate seat. That's the district Howie lives in. So we'll get the inside scoop on what's going on there. It's also voting time for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.. (For those who don't already know, Howie's career before he moved into progressive politics full-time was in the music industry. His last position was president of Reprise Records!) Howie lamented on the Book of Face about the lousy choices on his ballot... --- Send in a voice message:

1h 2m
Feb 22, 2024
20230221 How to Win Elections with Rachel Bitecofer- Nicole Sandler Show

Rachel Bitecofer is a political scientist who doesn't mince words. Her new book, HIT 'EM WHERE IT HURTS: How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at Their Own Game is out and should be required reading for all of us concerned about the future of this American experiment. I'm excited that Rachel returns to the show today to teach us how to win! --- Send in a voice message:

1h 3m
Feb 21, 2024
20240220 Justice or Injustice with Lisa Graves - Nicole Sandler Show

I had hoped that the Supreme Court would have handed down its decision on Trump's move to appeal the DC Circuit court's ruling that he has some made-up 'absolute immunity' from virtually any crime because he once occupied the Oval Office, but no such luck. Perhaps tomorrow when at least one decision from the Extreme Justices is expected. Regardless, LISA GRAVES returns to the show today in her capacity as a private citizen who happens to have impeccable legal bona fides (just check out her bio at I'll get her thoughts on when, and how the court may rule, and many other issues including True North Research's latest dive into Leonard Leo and dark money, and John Oliver's offer to get Clarence Thomas to resign from the high court. --- Send in a voice message:

Feb 20, 2024
20240219 It's President's Day with The F#*king News - Nicole Sandler Show

If I hadn't taken last Monday off to hang with my daughter, I'd probably be enjoying a President's Day holiday off, but I couldn't justify it. Besides, I put together an open for JONATHAN LARSEN's https://thefuckingnews.substack.comsegment, and I didn't want to wait another week to play it. --- Send in a voice message:

Feb 19, 2024