The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast

Pat Flynn


Pat Flynn from The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog. Discover how you can create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Since 2008, he's been supporting his family with his many online businesses, and he's been openly sharing his wins, his losses, and all the lessons in between with the community of energetic but humble entrepreneurs who follow him. Self-proclaimed "crash test dummy of online business", you'll learn about building authority online, email marketing, building a team and outsourcing, content marketing, podcasting, search engine optimization, niche sites, social media strategies, how to get more traffic, creating online courses, affiliate marketing, and productivity tips so that you create something amazing without burning yourself out. It's a mix of interviews, special co-hosts and solo shows from Pat you're not going to want to miss. Hit subscribe, and get ready to change your life.

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808 episodes

SPI 795: Thinking Small, Winning Big—the Unconventional Path of a Niche Software Company with Brenden Mulligan

#795 Why do we all chase numbers and try to grow our businesses too much? Instead, couldn't we run a small, flexible brand that generates enough passive income for a comfortable life? Today's guest, Brenden Mulligan of Podpage, is the perfect example of someone running a successful niche business and resisting the temptation to go big. His fantastic service helps podcasters create websites for their shows in minutes, with no technical expertise needed. In this episode, Brenden shares his journey from startup founder and Google employee to launching twelve products in one year and having eleven fail. We explore the lessons he's learned along the way and discuss starting a software company, finding the right pricing for your services, the value of niching down, seeking early feedback from your audience, and more! In our hustle-focused environment, Brenden makes the case for staying lean and working at a sustainable pace! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Jun 19
SPI 794: How to Become a Confident Speaker with Nausheen I. Chen—SPI Pro Expert in Residence

#794 With everything becoming artificial, building a personal brand is all about being human and letting your personality shine. In fact, one of the best ways to stand out and grow your audience is to lean into public speaking. But why is being on stage or even being on camera so frightening? How do we overcome anxiety and learn the skills to become impactful speakers? What can we do to connect with our audience online and in person? Find out today from Nausheen Chen, our newest Expert in Residence within SPI Pro! Nausheen is a prolific speaker who leverages her experience to coach and transform entrepreneurs into thought leaders. In this session, we explore the magic trifecta that makes for confident and effective speakers. Nausheen shares strategies to reframe your nerves, warm up for your talks, and leverage your uniqueness to stand out in the Age of AI! Show notes and more at Learn more about Nausheen at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Jun 14
SPI 793: A Personal Brand Masterclass with Rory Vaden

#793 Too many people focus on hacking algorithms and miss the most important element of growing their audience. More than anything, we need to work toward building trust! Tune in because this absolute masterclass with Rory Vaden will be an episode that we refer listeners to whenever we discuss branding from now on! Rory has not only helped me find clarity around my mission, but he has also been instrumental in the careers of people such as Lewis Howes, Ed Mylett, and Amy Porterfield. This session will help you find your uniqueness and teach you how to leverage it in the service of others. You'll get the shortcut to automating trust online and turning your customers into your best marketing asset. Rory shares everything from uncovering the one thing you should focus on to the specific types of content you should post for maximum growth. Don't miss this game-changing conversation! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Jun 12
SPI 792: How to Find Data to Support Your Content

#792 Your content can sometimes connect with people and drive action. Other times, it can fall flat and never stand out. Have you ever wondered why? For one, storytelling is an essential part of successful marketing. That said, we don't often discuss the other important ingredient in the secret sauce. In this episode, I share how you can leverage data to support your stories and add an extra element of believability to your message. Numbers don't lie, so join me to learn how to collect and present relevant figures to your audience. So where do you find data to support your content? We'll look at everything from uncovering relevant scientific research to the AI tools that can help you get information fast. I'll also discuss my popular income reports and why I've stopped sharing those numbers. Listen in because injecting data into your marketing is an easy strategy you can implement for big results! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Jun 07
SPI 791: How to Generate More Course Sales and the Crossover between Data and Art with John Ainsworth

#791 How do you generate more revenue per client? How do you make more sales with email marketing? Also, how do you grow your email list and engage your subscribers? Today's episode answers these questions to help you make more money without being salesy or spammy. Joining me for this chat is John Ainsworth of,, and podcast. We discuss order bumps and upselling to enhance the effectiveness of your products, John's eleven-step framework for email promotions, using AI to write copy that converts, shifting your mindset around selling, overcoming the most common customer objections, and more. This incredible session looks at the top ways to increase your profit with online courses in 2024. John's expertise is also relevant for anyone running an online business and leveraging funnels to connect with potential clients! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Jun 05
SPI 790: How Do I Monetize My Niche Skills?—A Pat Flynn Coaching Call with Sarah Dawn

#790 Putting ourselves out there online can be scary for many of us. This is especially true when we first start creating videos. But here's the thing. Your personality might be the unique selling proposition that takes your brand to the next level. So, how do you begin to share more of who you are to stand out in your space? Find out in today's session with Sarah Dawn, a knit and crochet designer and an incredible member of our SPI Pro community! Listen in on this coaching call to hear me help Sarah uncover new ways to monetize her skills and grow her business. We explore workshops, niche relationship building, YouTube, time management, and more. Sarah's personality shines throughout this interview, so you'll understand why I always stress the importance of putting yourself out there. This has always been the key to audience building but is becoming even more essential in the Age of AI. Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 31
SPI 789: The World of High-Value Business Exits with Nick Bradley

#789 Selling your business can be a once-in-a-lifetime moment that creates generational wealth for you and your family. But how do you build a brand that attracts potential buyers? If you're inexperienced, how do you avoid being taken advantage of and leaving money on the table? To help us level the playing field, I'm interviewing Nick Bradley from High Value Exit and the podcast. Nick has spent a decade in private equity and has been involved in over one hundred acquisitions. His expertise will help us build our businesses to sell and avoid falling easy prey to sophisticated buyers. So, what are the fifteen areas to focus on to increase your chances of creating a big exit? What are the minimum requirements your business should meet before you can consider selling? Also, how are you going to handle receiving a life-changing payout? We explore these questions in today's session! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 29
SPI 788: Top Tips from 30 Years of Business with Pamela Slim—SPI Pro Expert in Residence

#788 There's nothing wrong with building an empire around your brand. But why aren't more entrepreneurs with complementary skills teaming up to create ecosystems? What if this was a better way to serve our audiences? Let's explore that with our newest SPI Pro Expert in Residence, Pamela Slim! Like all of our EIRs, Pam is here to serve our community members with next-level knowledge and support. She has a serious track record, having spent three decades helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses and IP! Today's chat covers everything from creating a certification program around your workflow to advice for young people considering college. Join us to tap into Pam's expertise in networking, marketing, and leveraging social platforms. You'll also learn about the top skills to build up and focus on in the Age of AI. If you're a parent, these golden nuggets will also help your kids achieve their dreams. Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 24
SPI 787: The Secrets of Creating (and Joining) a Podcast Network with Hala Taha

#787 Some of my favorite success stories are ones where someone achieves their dream, only to realize their true passion lies elsewhere. Not settling, these people often redirect their skills into something greater. And that's exactly what today's guest is doing! Hala Taha, host of and CEO of YAP Media, is applying everything her successes and failures have taught her to bring people together. She now runs one of the top podcast networks and leverages her knowledge and platform to generate millions of dollars. So, how do you attract volunteers and superfans to help grow your brand? What are the things sponsors look for, and how do your podcast art and reviews affect the offers you get? What are the minimum requirements to join a network, and how do you avoid signing a bad deal? These are just a few of the questions we explore today. Listen in! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 22
SPI 786: Pivoting to Follow Your Passion with Amy Nelson—SPI Pro Expert in Residence

#786 The top lesson becoming a parent teaches us about our careers is that time is our most important resource. That's because every moment spent on things we're not passionate about is time away from our kids! So how do you do more of the work you care about? Amy Nelson of The Riveter and the podcast, is joining me today for an inspiring chat about following your calling and helping others do the same. Listen in because Amy is our newest Expert in Residence within SPI Pro The EIR program connects our community members with support from entrepreneurs with serious track records. Check out today's interview for more! In this episode, we discuss everything from pivoting a coworking business in the pandemic to being a parent entrepreneur. Amy also shares her insights into networking and building a community of like-minded people, the importance of storytelling, and supporting women in their careers! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 17
SPI 785: Small Tweaks for Big Sales with Brian Moran from SamCart

#785 Tiny changes to improve your sales process add up to a lot more revenue. This is especially true for your checkout pages! So, how do you build a frictionless experience for your customers? Find out in my chat with Brian Moran from SamCart, a platform for creating fully optimized checkout pages. I'm an advisor for this company, so I'm very familiar with the work they do to help their users make more sales. Join us for this episode because this is the kind of thing that can fundamentally change how you do business! So, what is working in today's ecommerce landscape? How do we increase conversions and eliminate the extra clicks where we lose buyers? Brian and I cover this and more in today's session. We also dive into some game-changing use cases I didn't know were possible. You'll hear my gears turning throughout this conversation because the opportunities here are incredible! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 15
SPI 784: Find Your Champions

#784 Don't underestimate the power of knowing somebody who knows somebody! In fact, building friendships in your niche is one of the best ways to fast-track your success in business. But how do you find the people who will champion your work and help you reach your goals? Tune in because today's session is all about exploring the types of connections that can help you at every stage of your journey. I share my thoughts about receiving support from family and friends, peers, and mentors while also doing your part to help the people in your life grow. Of course, joining a community like SPI Pro or a mastermind group is one of the best ways to learn from and start networking with like-minded people. These relationships can and will change the course of your life. Listen in on today's episode to start finding your champions! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 10
SPI 783: How Kevin Espiritu Converted His Backyard into an 8-Figure Gardening Empire

#783 As creators, starting a physical products business might seem daunting. But is there a future where something like MrBeast's Feastables puts companies like Hershey out of business? Will influencers eventually run the biggest brands in the world? In this episode, I chat with a solo blogger turned empire builder. My friend Kevin Espiritu of Epic Gardening is back on the show to give us an inside look at the 10x growth he's pulled off since our last chat. We discuss affiliate marketing, drop shipping, and creating original products on your own or through partnerships with other companies. We also dive into Kevin's content creation schedule. His brand puts out a wild 120 to 180 articles per month. But that's not all. Kevin and his team publish across several YouTube channels, with some videos requiring months of shooting and preparation. Listen in! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 08
SPI 782: A Wild Situation at Lunch

#782 Something wild happened to me at lunch the other day. Even though this embarrassed me in public, there are lessons for us here. So, let me get it off my chest! I was on a Zoom call for work when, out of nowhere, a woman snapped at me. You see, she thought I was recording a video of her and her son. Before I could explain, this woman started calling me a creeper. As I turned my screen toward her to reveal I was on a call, she immediately realized her error. Apologies started flying, but it was clear this woman had other stuff going on that made her verbally attack me. The truth is, we can't ever know what other people are going through. This also applies to the trolls and haters we encounter as content creators and online business owners. So listen in for my perspective on leading with empathy and the importance of controlling your reactions! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 03
SPI 781: The Future of VOICE Content in the Age of AI with Mike and Izabela from Music Radio Creative

#781 Techno-optimists or not, we can't ignore the AI-powered tools already changing how people work and create. So, what can you do to make yourself and your services irreplaceable? In this episode, we have an honest conversation about the future of audio content. As we look at how voice cloning is already affecting creators and artists, we share both rosy and realistic predictions for where things are going. Joining me are Mike and Izabela Russell from Music Radio Creative [affiliate link] I use their audio agency for everything from podcast editing to original songs about Pokémon for Deep Pocket Monster! Mike and Izabela reveal how they leverage free educational content, Shopify, affiliate marketing, and relationships with hundreds of artists and audio engineers to grow and run their massive business. I also know their tips for staying profitable in the Age of AI will be a wake-up call for some and a game-changer for others. Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

May 01
SPI 780: 10x is Easier than 2x

#780 Many creators and entrepreneurs play it safe. Here's the thing, though. That's actually a dangerous mindset to have if you want to see your brand grow. So how do you take the kinds of risks that lead to massive rewards? For the last year, we've all been talking about the incredible by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. I've also been applying this perspective to SPI and Deep Pocket Monster, my Pokémon YouTube channel, and the results have been game-changing! So what are the key principles that have stuck with me after reading this book? How do you leverage and set ambitious goals to 10x your growth? When does it make sense to focus on incremental improvements instead? I cover all of this in today's deep dive into one of the most influential books of the last few years. Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 26
SPI 779: Building a Brand that Other Brands Want to Work With with Justin Moore

#779 Many creators struggle with finding and negotiating sponsorships. One of the problems is that they're often not aiming for win-win-win deals. For an effective partnership, the value proposition should be obvious to you, the brand you're promoting, . So, how do you ask the right questions to uncover unexpected sponsorship opportunities? My returning guest, Justin Moore, is the founder of Creator Wizard. Since our last chat in episode 631, his incredible work helping people learn about brand deals has been blowing up online. Today, I wanted to have Justin back on the show to share a look at his business and the mindset that's helping him grow! This is a great chat because we dive into Justin's Sponsorship Strategy Summit, the value of networking and building relationships, finding the right mastermind group to help you level up, and why you should share case studies and success stories. Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 24
SPI 778: Inside a Pat Flynn Coaching Call with Cassie Shawcross

#778 If growing your business were easy, what would it look like? This is a powerful question because many of us tend to overcomplicate things. So how do we build a brand without getting distracted by things that don't matter? I haven't recorded a coaching call episode like this in a long time—not since the AskPat days! We wanted to bring that energy back in today's session, so listen in as I help Cassie Shawcross of understand her limiting beliefs and use her strengths to grow! Leaving a traditional career to become an entrepreneur is scary. But isn't always being stuck in jobs we don't want just as frightening a prospect? You'll want to listen in on this call because the perspective we gain leads to some inspiring breakthroughs for Cassie! This is a great conversation about being open to opportunities and bringing your people together. Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 19
SPI 777: Making More Sales and Talking Funnels with Ben Harris from ClickFunnels

#777 How do we sell more of our products? Essentially, what are the top strategies to get new leads and convert them into customers? Also, which tactics have stopped working, and where do we invest our time and money to get the best results? This is just a small part of today's wide-ranging conversation. My guest is Ben Harris from ClickFunnels, a popular and powerful platform for getting more people to your website and online store. You don't need to be a ClickFunnels user to learn from today's episode, though! Ben and I chat about buying ads outside platforms like Google and Meta, leveraging Facebook groups to simultaneously generate leads and build a community, soap opera email sequences, running webinars on YouTube, and more! Tune in because we get into basic and advanced tactics you might not have explored or considered yet! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 17
SPI 776: The Perfect Bonus Sandwich

#776 Businesses often use bonuses to sweeten the deal on what they're selling. Done well, this can be a great strategy to attract more customers. But when do the extras you offer start working against you? How do you use this tactic the right way to create irresistible deals? In 2024, I'm taking these Friday episodes up a notch with specific ideas and frameworks you can implement to optimize and grow your brand. This session is no different because today I'll help you create the perfect bonus sandwich. With this strategy, you'll select the best perks to complement your main product and avoid mistakes many entrepreneurs make! So, what are the bonuses that customers actually want? When should you avoid using any extras at all? How do you determine and market the total value of your offer? Join me to find out! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 12
SPI 775: What You Need to Know Before Creating a Software For Your Audience

#775 Selling a piece of software you've created and grown can be a massive windfall. But where do you start if you have an idea for a tool or service but can't write any code? What do you need to know upfront, and what would working with a programmer or development team cost? In episode 772, I offered you a sneak peek at my newest software venture. Now, Dave Chesson and Bhanuka Harischandra of Surge Global are joining me to reveal even more about this project and process. Together with their incredible team in Sri Lanka, Dave and Bhanuka are helping me bring my vision to life. So, how do you decide if your idea is worth building and investing in? What are the hidden costs of developing and maintaining software? How do you build something that actually works and attracts users? Tune in to find out! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 10
SPI 774: If I Had $1000 and Started Over...

#774 I get asked this all the time—if I were starting over with $1000 to invest in an online business, what would I do? And here's my answer—I would go offline. This always surprises people, but the approach I cover today is the most powerful way to begin your entrepreneurial journey. But if you want to set yourself up for success, the most important part of this process should happen before you spend any money at all! In this episode, I want to help you find the right niche for your skillset and identify the key elements that will give you a leg up. So where would my $1000 go? This is the part that surprises people the most because my budget would all go toward building relationships in the space I've chosen. So, listen in to learn how I would leverage the easiest way to meet people in any industry—attending in-person live events! Show notes and more See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 05
SPI 773: How to Write GREAT Copy in Today's World with Ray Edwards

#773 How effective is the marketing copy around your products? For many entrepreneurs, this is one of the aspects of online business they struggle with the most. And the truth is, there are no shortcuts to great writing. So, how do we generate compelling stories and sales pages? There's no one better to answer this question for us than the godfather of modern copywriting himself, Ray Edwards. Ray is the author of and . His expertise is priceless, and today, Ray delivers an absolute masterclass on marketing communication in the age of AI. You'll hear us explore his PASTOR framework to guide you through every step, from positioning your products to making sales and getting incredible testimonials. Listen in because Ray and I also share the most powerful ways to leverage tools like ChatGPT to take your marketing game to the next level fast! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Apr 03
SPI 772: My Next Software Build Starts Here (Follow Along)

#772 Regular listeners know I love bringing you along for the journey as I start new projects. Listen in to get a first glimpse at the software venture I hope will provide a game-changing solution for a problem no one is tackling. I desperately need this tool in my workflow, and know a lot of other creators will benefit from it as well. So, what am I talking about? I won't share all the details in this episode, but you'll get a clear look at what I'm building. This is a fascinating process because, like many of you, I don't know how to write code. That said, this is not my first time dabbling in software. I'm taking everything I've learned creating, sharing it with you, and applying it to this project. I'm also building this to sell, so I get into the economics behind this venture as well today. Tune in, and enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 29
SPI 771: How to Consistently Create Videos to Grow Your Business with Caleb Wojcik

#771 What comes to mind when you think about recording video? Many people let their aversion to being on camera hurt the growth of their brands. Still, we all know we need to get comfortable with this to make the most of today's social media landscape! But where do you start as a complete beginner? How do you create consistently, and how often do you need to upload to YouTube to build an audience? For your online courses, what is the best way to plan and leverage videos? We cover all this and more in today's episode with my friend, collaborator, and frequent guest, Caleb Wojcik. As we're expanding the Expert in Residence program inside SPI Pro, we're enlisting Caleb as our go-to resource for all things video. Don't miss out because we discuss everything from a quantity-over-quality mindset for beginners to batch recording and easy editing! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 27
SPI 770: So You Just Hired Someone? What's Next?

#770 Making your first hire is a massive step in your entrepreneurial journey! If you're onboarding your first employee or contractor or need a refresher on being an effective team leader, listen in because this episode is for you! Of course, I've often had Jess Lindgren, my executive assistant of over ten years, on the show. Go to episode 753 to uncover the lessons we've learned working together for so long! But what do you need to do on day one with your first hire? And what are the specific things you definitely need to check off in the first week of working with someone new? Today, I cover everything from onboarding and company culture to protecting yourself against scammers and employees going AWOL. And shout out to our SPI Pro member, Derek Miller of Genius Lab Gear, for inspiring me to cover this topic! Tune in, and enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 22
SPI 769: New Job, New You with Barrett Brooks

#769 Very few people work the same job their whole lives anymore. Even so, many of us still perceive having to change careers as having failed. But what if a new role is actually an opportunity? This is the topic of today's conversation with my returning guest, Barrett Brooks. In the decade since our last chat, he has had to reinvent himself several times to uncover the best use of his knowledge and talents. Listen in on this inspiring session because we highlight the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and provide a fresh perspective on career experimentation! I can't wait to share this with you because Barrett's wisdom on becoming a better person, leader, and employee is incredibly valuable—so much so that we've hired him as a consultant at SPI to help us learn about each other and work better as a team! Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 20
SPI 768: Ditch the D Word—"Discounts"

#768 We need to talk about pricing. Specifically, we need to discuss how discounts are hurting your business! Don't get me wrong—special offers can work wonders for your sales. So why would we want to remove this tool from our marketing arsenal? Listen in on this session for a behind-the-scenes look at what we're doing at SPI and the cohort-based model that's replaced discounts for us! This has been an incredible business move and a massive boost to our student and community member success rates. Of course, offering products at a lower price point still makes sense in some very specific scenarios. Tune in to also get my thoughts on when to use discounts in your product lifecycle. Don't miss out on this one. Enjoy! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 15
SPI 767: The Honest YouTube Journey with Aprilynne Alter

#767 The strategies we used to rely on for growth on YouTube aren't working anymore. So, what are up-and-coming creators doing to build an audience? Which tactics get you more views and subscribers right now? I've had a lot of big names in the YouTube space on the show, everyone from Ali Abdaal to MKBHD. But today, I wanted to get a fresh perspective from someone who is just starting to make waves. There's a lot of buzz around my guest, Aprilynne Alter, due to her ability to uncover the secrets behind modern viral videos. In this episode, we really get in the weeds of the video creation process. We discuss everything from the idea and research phase to which metrics you should keep an eye on for maximum growth. Aprilynne puts hundreds of hours into her videos, and her insights on titles, thumbnails, quality versus quantity, and time management will surprise some of you! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 13
SPI 766: How to Monetize Your Niche Podcast with Lauren Popish

#766 Podcasting is a powerful way to generate revenue, but what are your monetization options if you're not reaching a massive audience yet? The thing is, big sponsors expect a minimum of ten thousand downloads per episode. So, how can you leverage a small, loyal following instead? Listen in because we're back with another incredible session. Lauren Popish, our guest host, is the founder of The Wave Podcasting, an educational platform and production agency helping women-led shows grow. Through her work, Lauren has uncovered the best strategies for podcasters at every level. If you're in a small niche or just starting out, tune in and take advantage of her expertise! This episode is a deep dive into affiliate marketing, listener donations, subscriptions, premium content, and selling your products and services through podcasting. For more from Lauren, visit to download her free Monetization Blueprint! Show notes and more at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Mar 08