EP 450. Carter's Big Island: Location, Location, Location--and Commitment
FEB 26, 2024
Description Community

After a mallards-galore Kansas timber hunt--and I'm talking mallard flocks spilling over the treetops like tossed dice into the coffee-colored opening surrounded by thick ice--Carter's Big Island father-son team, Roy and Drake, and I visit about their singular 74-day objective: to put fluttering greenheads in front of client guns. It doesn't happen by accident either. It's all about location, location, location and an unwavering, year-round commitent. Covering topics to include the season results, the daily grind, guide expectations, shooting greenheads-only, duck calling, property development, habitat management and their pass it on or lose it philosophy, as much is learned about who they are as top-shelf mallard producers as who they are as people you'd probably enjoy sharing times with in the blind. 


Related link:

Carter's Big Island Kansas Duck Hunting


MOJO’s Duck Season Somewhere Podcast Sponsors:


MOJO Outdoors 

Benelli Shotguns

BOSS Shotshells

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Flash Back Decoys 

HuntProof Premium Waterfowl App

Inukshuk Professional Dog Food 

Tetra Hearing

Tom Beckbe






It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:

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