Sarah Josepha Hale: The Woman Behind Thanksgiving
NOV 20, 2023
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Have you ever thought about a time before the telephone when Mary didn't yet have a little lamb and there was no Thanksgiving? Those might not seem connected, but this week, Sadie takes us back to early America to talk about the woman who brings it all together, Sarah Josepha Hale. Hale was a 19th-century literary legend who left an indelible mark on American culture and was considered the greatest influence on early American trends and traditions. Best known for penning "Mary Had a Little Lamb," Hale's legacy extends far beyond, with a 40-year career as a pioneering editor, prolific writer, and staunch advocate for Thanksgiving as a national holiday, she played a pivotal role in shaping the entire landscape of her time. We'll discuss Hale, her enduring contributions to literature, and the spirited journey that makes her a timeless figure in American history.
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