Mothering Against Motherhood with Dr. Sophie Brock
MAR 26, 2021
Description Community

Dr. Sophie Brock, Motherhood Studies Sociologist, explains how motherhood (institution) is different than mothering (experience). Starting from a place of WHY things are like they are for mothers, our discussion moves to HOW to advocate for a more liberatory experience of being a mother. ⁠

Our conversations covers:

  • Sophie's mothering and academic intersections
  • Her theory of "hegemonic maternality"
  • What the "good mother myth" is and how it is what we're all swimming within
  • How motherhood is different than mothering
  • How social constructions of motherhood negatively affect mothers 
  • What is meant by the "good enough mother" and why she named her podcast this phrase
  • How cultivating our power as mothers can help us shift the social construction
  • How to approach supporting ourselves in this shift

Dr. Sophie Brock is a Motherhood Studies Sociologist and single mother to her 3 year old daughter, living in Sydney, Australia. She supports both mothers and professionals who work with mothers to understand the sociological construction of Motherhood and how this shapes individual mothers’ lives. Sophie advocates for a reimagined version of Motherhood that sees mothers supported, valued, and empowered. She offers online courses, mentoring packages, and her Motherhood Studies Practitioner Certification program. She hosts The Good Enough Mother podcast and is President of the non-profit association, Maternal Scholars Australia. 

More information:

Visit Sophie's website

Find her @drsophiebrock on Instagram and Facebook

Listen in to her podcast The Good Enough Mother Podcast 

Email her at

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