Shetland Mule Saddle, Bell Mare, Winter Shoes on My Mule, and Keep Your Mule in Camp
FEB 29, 2024
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In this episode, Steve Edwards, owner of Queen Valley Mule Ranch in Queen Valley, Arizona takes time to talk about Using Britchen and Breast Collar in an arena, Why Your Mule Bucks When Going Downhill, Keep Mule in Electrified Pen, Help Mule Get Used to a Dog, My Mule Nips Me When I Turn My Back, and a Whole Lot More!

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0:00 Welcome to Ask Steve

2:49 Mule Live Clinic

- Link

5:55 How to help my mule get used to my dog

    Put a mule in an electrified pen

13:23 Use a Trail Rider bit on a Martingale

18:46 What is a Shire Mule?

24:00 Shetland mule saddle for a young rider

25:54 Train mules to stay in camp if they get loose

26:05 What is a bell mare?

29:54 My mule doesn’t like winter shoes

33:33 Will Steve Edwards mule saddle fit my mule?

35:19 Britchen and Collar for arena riding

- Link Mule Saddle Training Course

38:14 Break up a pair of mules

43:10 Mules bucks going downhill 

49:28 Training videos for beginner mule owner

53:30 Mule doesn’t like his ears touched

56:51 My mule is afraid of cows

1:03:21 Introduce britchen to your mule

1:07:35 Mule kicks when tightening back cinch

1:08:51 Mule rubs against me during training

1:10:04 My mule nips me when I turn my back

1:11:30 Thinking about buying a mule

1:13:20 Free training course on website and YouTube

1:14:45 Adult riding on a bareback pad

1:16:23 On a Grand Canyon mule ride on the way back up, why was the britchen tied on saddle instead of on the back of the mule?

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