Ep. 474: How Yud Tes Kislev and Chanukah Provide Us With Strength and Direction in These Trying Times
E DEC 05, 2023
Description Community

Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:
How Yud Tes Kislev provides us with strength and direction in these trying times 

  • What lessons do we take from Yud Tes Kislev for today’s war 

  • What is the significance of the Alter Rebbe saying Padah B’shalom Nafshi when he was notified of his release? 

  • What can we derive from the Tanya we learn these days? 

  • How can we improve our prayers based on the last section in Tanya? 

  • What message do we learn from Tanya’s cover page?  

  • What lessons do the lights of Chanukah offer us? 

  • What is the spiritual difference between the wick, the oil and the lame they produce? 

  • Can G-d make miracles as he has done in past wars or does He want us to do the fighting ourselves? 

  • Is the current war closer to what happened on Chanukah or Purim? 

  • Are the turncoat Jewish women marching with Hamas supporters a reincarnation of Miriam bas Bilgah? 

  • Who is today’s Yehudis? 

  • Is there a connection between Chassidus and the oil we use to light the menorah?   

  • Is there a connection in all this to Moshiach? 

  • Should freeing the hostages and winning the war take precedent over doing all we can to bring Moshiach? 

  • How does the Torah story of Joseph and his brothers help us understand today’s events? 

  • What can we learn from the fact that they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites? 

  • How does separating Challa help in times like this? 

  • Would it be appropriate to pray for more children to compensate for those tragically taken from us? 

  • Did the visit to the Ohel by the families of the hostages help free them? 

How Chanukah provides us with strength and direction in these trying times Empowering Torah Portions   Actions 

  • What lessons do the lights of Chanukah offer us? 

  • What is the spiritual difference between the wick, the oil and the lame they produce? 

  • Can G-d make miracles as he has done in past wars or does He want us to do the fighting ourselves? 

  • Is the current war closer to what happened on Chanukah or Purim? 

  • Are the turncoat Jewish women marching with Hamas supporters a reincarnation of Miriam bas Bilgah? 

  • Who is today’s Yehudis? 

  • Is there a connection between Chassidus and the oil we use to light the menorah?   

  • Is there a connection in all this to Moshiach? 

  • Should freeing the hostages and winning the war take precedent over doing all we can to bring Moshiach? 

  • How does the Torah story of Joseph and his brothers help us understand today’s events? 

  • What can we learn from the fact that they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites? 

  • How does separating Challa help in times like this? 

  • Would it be appropriate to pray for more children to compensate for those tragically taken from us? 

  • Did the visit to the Ohel by the families of the hostages help free them? 

Empowering Torah Portions   Actions 

  • How does the Torah story of Joseph and his brothers help us understand today’s events? 

  • What can we learn from the fact that they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites? 


  • How does separating Challa help in times like this? 

  • Would it be appropriate to pray for more children to compensate for those tragically taken from us? 

  • Did the visit to the Ohel by the families of the hostages help free them? 
